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The bedroom down the hall from her was always empty. She lived alone, after all. Silence and loneliness drove her mad, she couldn't be alone. It ate her alive. Consumed her, even.

She didn't have much choice, though.
Her parents and her had gotten in a dreadful fight several months ago. They told her to go. Kicked her out. They didn't support her lifestyle.

She stuffed everything she could into a backpack and one suitcase and left the second she could. She didn't need them. Or at least she pretended she didn't.

She stayed in a crappy motel, moping for days before she decided she should probably get off her ass and look for a better, more permanent place to live. She searched online for hours before she found an apartment in the next state over. It was a nice place, not large but not puny. And affordable.

But she hated how lonesome it was.

After about a month of solitude, not hearing a single thing from her parents, she decided she'd put an ad up for a roomate.

The advert read:
"Lonesome 21 year old girl seeking apartment roomate. Male, female, nonbinary, whoever welcome. Just please don't be a creep. Apartment has one bedroom (excluding mine), one bath/shower, kitchen, and living room. I will be interviewing those interested before agreeing to let you live with me.

Please contact me at the following number"

Several people contacted her interested in the room. Few people interested her, others frightened her, and others disgusted her.

Until one rainy day, the boy showed up.

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