Prologue: Found

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Ella's POV:

My fangs sunk into the right side of my helpless victims neck as the girl squirmed in my grip. The flowing red liquid reached my mouth and drowned down my throat, making me moan quietly because of the good taste.

As the flow of blood slowed, along with the heart rate of my food, I pulled my head back letting a few red droplets falls off my lips and chin. A small frown played on my lips as the girl fell limp in my arms her eyes rolling backward.

She, was dead.

I loved the hunt, the catch, and the feed. But the killing part always.. frightened me, so to say. I just didn't like it. But I was never really able to control me feedings. It was just so good, so as a vampire, you should see my problem.

I sped to the forest and dropped the girls body making sure that nothing I did could lead them to me, after all to the world I haven't been alive since 1864.

"Well, well, if it isn't the Ella Shantey, or now as it is Starr," a familiar deep tone rushed through my ears causing me to whip myself around only to be greeted by air.

A low growl left my lips, "Silas, show yourself," I growled again and released my fangs before I was thrown back into a tree. "Not fair," a small groan of pain escaped my lips as I rubbed the back of my head.

He chuckled lowly and came into my view. "I don't play fair Ellalynn." His hair was spiked up and a light/dark brown mix. And he had chocolate brown eyes. Last time I saw him, he had a scar all the way down his face.

With a raised eyebrow I swiped dirt off my clothes and began to question him, "Who's looks did you steal this time?" Silas rolled "his" eyes at me and took a hand through "his" hair.

Silas shrugged "his"(yeah you understand it, no more quotation marks around his) shoulders. "No need to say I stole looks, the pathetic excuse of a vampire that I trapped was my doppelganger," he spoke slowly, the usual.

I nodded my head in understatement, I always hated doppelgangers. Thank God I don't have any. "He seems handsome," I smiled slightly at him and he his eyes yet again.

"I'm on a tight run, I must be going," he stepped forward and brushed his thumb over my cheek before gently placing his lips on my forehead, "till later my sweet Ellalynn." With that he sped away.

A small sigh left my lips as I retraced my steps back toward the city. A small groan coming from not to far away from me caused me to stop right where I was. I could hear the loud roar of a waterfall nearby aswell.

Quickly I turned on my heels and walked forward; slowly. The moans grew slightly louder until I could hear pounding on metal, possibly steel too. Or maybe it was just one of the other. My thoughts drifted back to my chat with silence an estimated fifteen minutes ago. Maybe that's why he'd suddenly came out of no where? Hmm, who knows right?

The banging got slightly louder as I neared the waterfalls position well enough to hear shouts and pleas for help. Whoever it was they were fairly trapped and most likely had a husky accent. They would probably be a good screamer in bed also, if it's a chick. Oh who am I kidding, the screaming was too deep to be from a chick.

Unless the girl had been stuck there awhile.

With a shrug of the uneasy feeling I was getting I sped to the edge of the waterfall. The banging and calling for help suddenly ceased at my presence. "Hello?" I called as loud as I could muster and sat at the edge of the waterfall with my feet dangling over slightly.

For a few moments I just sat there listening to the silence of the night. The cool breeze swaying my hair back and forth. Okay, maybe I just imagined it.

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