Cameron Dallas |Break Ups & Make Ups|

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You and Cameron just got into a fight because he thought the Chipotle waiter was flirting with you. You guys where at home and he would non stop yell at you. You where sick of it so you screamed "YOU KNOW WHAT CAMERON, I'M DONE! YOU NEED TO STOP GETTING MAD OVER THE STUPIDEST SHIT!" After you said that Cameron came storming in front of you. "WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU JUST SAY! YOU KNOW WHAT YOU'RE RIGHT! I'M DONE TO. HERE'S ANOTHER THING, WE'RE DONE!" Cameron screams louder then you ever have. After he said that tears streamed down your face and you ran out of the house. Cameron didn't even bother coming after you. You decided to text Mahogany and ask if you could stay with her for awhile.
Y/N: Hey, can I stay with you for a few nights.
M: Yeah sure girl
Y/N: Thanks
M: Your welcome
Y/N: Be there soon
M: K bye
*End of texting*
You got to Mahogany's house and knocked on the door. You see Mahogany open the door and she gestures you to come in. And you do so. You sat down and you suddenly get a text from Cam.
Cameron♡: Hey I'm really sorry on what happened plz forgive me. Ily y/n.
Y/N: Idk. Let me think about it
Cameron♡: Plz do. I need you y/n. Your my world
Y/N: Yup, I said I'll think about it bye
Cameron♡: Wait ily y/n
Cameron♡: Y/N!?
*End of texting*
You didn't know what to do. So you ran to the bathroom and cried. Until you heard a knock downstairs....
A/N: Hey guys I hope you liked my first imagine. Plz vote and comment. If you would like one just comment or message me. Also check out my other book plz. It's called "Love Life" it's featuring Daniel Skye. So please check that out and vote and comment. Byee ♡

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