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22 reads and 4 votes!!!! Freaking out!!! Thanks for all the support! But you should comment:) I need feedback! So here's another chapter! Enjoy!


We pulled out of the driveway and she cruised down the large hill that led to our flat. "So I knew you were coming, and I told some of my friends to meet me for dinner so you could meet them. Because they come over a lot and I think you will like them."

"Ok! Sounds good. Can I ask you something?" I asked.


"How are your eyes like that?! It's awesome!"

"Haha thanks!" Trinity said with a smile. "I was just born like that."

"It's so cool!"

"Thanks." We drove a short way and she said "So we are meeting my friends Brittni, Eddie and Sam. Brittni has been my best friend ever since I moved here. We met at the Salon where I work. She is one of my clients. She introduced me to Eddie and Sam, her two best guy friends. We have all become great friends."

"It's good that you found some friends when you got here."

"Yeah. And it looks like we are here." She pulled around back of this big building, with some name I could not pronounce on the front of it in neon green letters. She turned off her lights and turned off the car. We got out and she beeped the car. The air was cool and the breeze felt good against my skin. Trinity's phone vibrated and the screen lit up through pants pocket. She answered it. "Hey Britt!" She paused. "Yeah I'm walking to the front right now." Pause. "Kay bye."

We arrived at the front door where so done held the door open for us. We walked in and right away a woman, who I assumed was Brittni, ran up and hugged Trinity. I didn't really noticed though, because of the tall, well dressed man in front of me who had the same red hair, green eyes, and unmistakeable freckles as the man in the airport. I felt my eyes grow wide, and jaw drop as we made eye contact for what seems like forever. Then, he smiled. I snapped out of my daze. He stepped toward me, and held out his hand. "I do believe we have met." He said, his British accent showing through. We sat down and a waitress came and asked us what we would like to order. I ordered a pasta dish with a Coke. Our drinks arrived and I sipped mine while awkwardly sitting there. Sam, Triniti, Brittni, and Eddie were all talking and suddenly Eddie turned to me. "So what do you plan to do here in Cambridge?"

"Well I plan to start a career in Theatre."

"Haha well you have come to the right place."

We spent a while talking and then our food came. I had loosened up and Eddie and I were soon laughing so hard our drinks almost came out of our noses. After we ate we all sat there for a while just talking. We talked about mostly me, and I didn't really have much to share. Triniti stood up and said, "It was nice to hang out with you guys again. But for now, I have to go 'cuz I have work in the morning." I didn't want to leave. I had so much fun with them! But we headed out and went back into the car. Triniti had a sly smile on her face.

"What?" I chuckled while slightly slapping her arm.

"You were staring at Eddie the whole time!"

"Oh my gosh! I was?!"


"Hey, he's pretty handsome!"

She smiled as we drove up the hill to our flat. Man, I was tired. I went inside and took a quick shower. While I was in the shower, I had been thinking about the night. I stepped out and wrapped myself up in a towel. I slipped into bed after putting on some pj's. I drifted into a light, peaceful sleep.


Yeah I know I suck at updating. I shattered my iPod then like yesterday my mom brought home and ipad! So yeah. Sorry for the meh chapter.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 29, 2013 ⏰

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