Not a Dream After All (An Eddie Redmayne Fanfiction)

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I looked out of the plane window, back at my last glimpse of America. We took off as I thought of the memories I wanted to leave behind in the U.S.

For as long as long as I could remember, I had wanted to live in London. Wanting to live there was my dream; to see all the cathedrals, cool weather, cobblestone roads. It was all I could think about for the 27 years I have lived. I originally wanted to go there for a vacation, but decided I wanted to start over and live a new life.

"Hello, ladies and gentlemen. I am your pilot for this flight. My name is Captain Kemper." The pilot went over the safety procedures for a couple minutes. "Thank you for choosing Southwest Airlines." he ended. I could feel the plane stabilize and I looked back out the the window. I saw a few clouds, but other than that I saw clear skies. I knew I wouldn't see much of that in London.

The second reason I had wanted was because I wanted to get into the theater business. I had heard that London has great opportunities for such things. I love musicals and plays and have a great appreciation for them. My favorite is Les Misèrables. Bored already, I pulled out the abridged version of the book. I was lost in the pages, and the words flowed together and began to not register in my brain as I drifted to sleep.


"Mom! When are we gonna be there?" I asked.

"I don't know Alyssa! Be patient." She replied, tired of my whining. I was only 9; I couldn't help it.

"Soon, honey. About 10 minutes." My dad said, making a left-hand turn. I looked out the window and saw a red van, spiraling out of control, heading towards our car.

I screamed.


I jolted awake as the plane hit some turbulence. The man next to me looked at me, a slightly concerned look on his face.

"Are you okay, ma'am?"

"I'm fine. Thank you." I said, quite embarrassed. I stayed awake the rest of the flight, still reading Les Mis. I really did love that book, and my favorite character is Èponine. I wanted to see the musical of this soooo bad! Maybe I could see it in London.

We started landing, and the captain told us to remain seated until he told us otherwise. When we fully stopped, I grabbed my carry on bag, with all my toiletries in it. I didn't bring much... Just 2 bags. I got up to get of the plane and my bones cracked. I walked to the terminal exit, and looked out of one of the windows. I saw a slightly overcast sky. I kept walking around the airport for a while, and realized I was hungry, after only eating pretzels on the plane. I went up to a Chipotle, and ordered a chicken burrito. As I was eating, I thought about how great this opportunity was. My dreams were coming true. I finished my burrito and walked to the baggage claim, taking my phone out of my bag, and holding it in my hand. I like to have my phone in my hand, I don't know why. I started to look around on the carousal for my bag. I couldn't find it. Worried, I turned around really fast and accidentally walked into someone.

"Uhh-oh my gosh. I- I'm so sorry. I'm such a klutz." I said, bending down to pick up my phone.

"It's ok." The man said ,with a heavy British accent. He bent down faster than me and picked up my phone before I could. "Here you go." And he handed me my phone with a smile. I got a look at his features; green eyes with a hint of brown, freckles, styled brownish red hair. He was very attractive, I will admit. He walked away briskly. I found my red suitcase and grabbed it.

Walking out of the airport, I couldn't get the image of that guy out of my head. Who was he? Why was he stuck in my head? What is this? I headed toward the street, summoning a taxi.

"Where'll it be, miss?" The driver asked with a smile.

"Uhm." I handed his a slip of paper with the address of my flat on it.

"Ok, miss. It will take about 20 minutes to get there."

"Ok. Thanks." He drove off, and I pulled out my phone. The edge was cracked. Fantastic. I just got this phone 2 weeks ago. I looked at the time. 3:09 PM. It looks like 5:00 AM, because it is so dark. The overcast sky set the mood as a very melancholy place. I was alright with that, because I loved stormy weather. I turned on some music on my phone and put my headphones on. About 7 songs later, I felt the cab stop. I looked up and removed my headphones. I paid for the ride and thanked the driver.

"My pleasure, miss." And he drove off. I walked up to my flat that I was renting out, and sighed, smiling. I took in my surroundings and realized, I was in a great mood. I was really going to like it here.

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