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Chiyo //

After mom's lectures she allowed me to take a rest for tonight but tomorrow I'll be back on practicing and I'm guessing it will be more intense than usual after what happened earlier.

Instead of going directly to my room I decided to go to Chan's. I didn't bother to knock because I'm too exhausted to do that anymore. As I opened the door I heard Chan talking to someone on the phone and just right in time I heard him saying something about some kind of secret. And after some threatening he gave in and we did sneaked out of the house without me knowing where are we going.

"Yah Chan! Where are we really going huh? We can't stay out for longer we still have class tomorrow!" I impatiently stated, "And I thought you're going to tell me your secret already?" We took a cab since I can't use my car, like obviously why would I use my car that will just make us be caught?

"Be patient noona, all your questions will be answered when we arrived there." Chan stated with a deep sigh, he look so nervous and uneasy. "We wont take long there so don't worry anymore." This is the first time I saw him like this, I wonder what kind of place are we heading to? And what is that secret he tried to keep from me?

Wait, it's not about a girl right? We've just talked about that earlier and he said he don't have one. Or oh my god! He's not part of a gang that loves fighting and doing bad things, right?! I looked at Chan and then shook my thoughts off, an innocent fetus like him can't do such thing so that's so impossible.

"We're here!" Chan announced and when I looked outside my eyes widened as I saw a bunch of people and I can see beers, cigarettes, and girls that wearing just small peace of clothes.

Or that thought might be possible?

"Lee Chan!" I shouted still can't believe that my cute dongsaeng is...is someone like this? Oh my god I feel like crying.

"What?" He gave me confused look and I narrowed my eyes on him as I pointed those bunch of people partying. He looked at them shortly then immediately look back at me as he shook his head and hands.

"It's not like what you're thinking noona, I'm not that kind of guy. I swear I never taste any kind of liquor drinks, used cigarettes and do whatever you're thinking right now." He defended as he raised his right hand with serious face.

"Then why are we here?! Why do you go to this kind of place at this time around?!" I questioned as I raised my hands in the air, "What are you doing on thi-"

"Oh finally you're here Dino!" I was interrupted by a group of boys that composed of three members.

"Omo! You really brought your noona here!" A blonde curly boy stated as he wore a gummy smile, such a cute boy. Wait? It's not time to check out boys?!

"She's more beautiful in closer look, I can't blame you for having this sister complex." I arched an eyebrow as I heard the tall black haired dude statement.

"Jun-hyung, what are you talking about?!" Chan shouted as he punched the black haired dude on the shoulder that made him flinched.

"Dino? Sister complex?" I repeated, "Lee Chan, care to explain everything to me now." I wore my death smile as I emphasized the word now.

"Uhm...noona, it's actua--"

"Everyone knows him as Dino here and we often tease him having sister complex because he's always talking about you." A blonde hair with squinted eyes guy stated with a cold expression.

"I'm asking my brother and not you mister. Who are you anyways? Who are these boys Chan?" I asked using my bitchy tone as I pointed them.

"Pointing is rude, yo--" I shushed the same blonde squinted eyes dude with my palm and looked at Chan. "What the?! You can't just sh--" and for the second time I shushed him again.

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