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Chiyo //

Today is our evaluation day for the international ballet competition that will be held couple of months away from now. They'll only choose two out of fifty of us who'll represent our country.

I've been doing this since I was three, my mom that's a very famous ballerina not only here in South Korea but around the world is my trainer. And since we're just two sibling and not to mention I'm the only girl, of course I'll be the one who'll continue mom's legacy.

At first I was really into ballet, I mean just like other little girls I adore ballerinas because first, they move like a princess and second, they dress like a princess. Yeah, like what I said I was just like an ordinary little girl who dreamed to be a princess. But as I grow up I realized that this isn't what I really want. I love dancing but something is really wrong, and I myself can't figure it out.

"Lee Chiyo, you're next." One of the staff informed me. I was nervously sitting on the chair while clenching my fists that's placed above my lap. "Let's go?" The staff asked with a smile, I looked up at her and then nodded my head.

I got up from my seat then took a deep breath. I was about to walk with the staff to the stage when I heard mom spoke.

"Lee Chiyo, don't disappoint me." My mom said sternly. I turned to her and she's wearing her usual strict expression. I slowly nodded my head then turned around already.

Not even 'good luck' eh?


I walked to the middle of the stage and my instructors and the other panel of judges were quietly sitting on the second row of the chairs.

I looked around and saw that everyone's eyes were into me and that didn't help at all in reducing my nervousness. I know I practiced well, I gave my everything but of course you can't removed nervousness from me. Especially that I'm obligated to not fail this one. I can't, I really can't afford failing this one for me not to disappoint my mom.

"Lee Chiyo, shall we start now?" One of the panel asked that snapped me.

"Uhm..." I stuttered, my heart was pounding hard against my chest and started hyperventilating. I thought I'll faint any time from then when I heard a very familiar voice.

"Noona! You can do it! Fighting!" It's Chan, my younger brother. Everyone turned to him mostly giving him glares especially the panel of judges. But his scream made me gain my composure and eased my nervousness. He's my cute little brother and also my savior.

"I'm ready." I announced with a huge smile getting everyone's attention back to me but this time I won't let their stares intimidate me.

"Thanks Chan" I mouthed and winked at him while he raised two thumbs up as response. He's really cute, isn't he?

The same person from the panel that spoke earlier gave the cue to start the music. And as I heard the music I started gracefully dancing to it.


"Noona! Great job! You passed the audition!" Chan cheerfully shouted as he jumped into a hug to me. "You're really the best!" He praised me and I patted his head with a huge smile.

"Thanks Channie~" I sang, "If it wasn't to you, I probably fainted there already due to too much nervousness." I narrated as I heaved a dramatic sigh and he patted me next. "But it's just the first screening so, I can't celebrate yet."

"I promised you that I'll come and cheer for you, didn't I noona?" He grinned and I pulled him back to a bear hug. "And it's ok, I know you'll pass the second one also and you'll represent our country!" I envy how optimistic he can be. I beamed at him as I messed his hair up playfully. But our little bonding was interrupted as soon as mom arrived.

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