And right as I got comfortable, my stomach growled loudly. I sighed then got out of bed, motivated by food. I grabbed a bowl then poured myself cereal. I stared at the Seventeen Magazine while I ate. Then all the cars rolled up. I looked at my clothes then shrugged. Too much effort to go change.

I chuckled when I heard Jonathan stomping upstairs. He would be disappointed when he barged into the room. Alfredo came into the kitchen mid-sigh.  He stopped when he looked at me. I just looked at the magazine again.

"Yo Jon." He hollered out the door. "She's in the kitchen." Alfredo tisked as he walked to the fridge. "You're in trouble. He was surprisingly worried when Christina didn't know where you took off to."

I rolled my eyes.

Jon came into the kitchen. "Where were you?" He asked moodily.

"Oh why honey?" I said sweetly. "Miss me?"

He glared at me intensely. "Where. Were. You."

"Well first, I went to the movies." I put the bowl in the sink. "Then I went down to my self-defense class for a good workout. Now I'm here."

"And you couldn't answer my calls?"

"I didn't want to answer your calls." Alfredo looked from me to Jonathon. "Did it make you uncomfortable to not have Missy spying on me? Not to know about everything I was doing?"

"I don't spy on you. I like to stay informed."

"Oh! Informed!" I acted amazed. "Would you liked to inform me about your day, sweetheart?" Alfredo's eyes whipped in my direction.

"I was at a meeting until about 6."


"Not your business."

"Now that's not fair."

"Life's not fair."

I nodded. "Who's Maddy?"

Jonathan looked...stunned, then said, "No one."

I shook my head and went to our room.

Jon was right behind me. "Who told you about her?"

"Your cell phone, actually. So how'd the paternity test go? Are you making me a step mom already?!"

"The kid isn't mine."

"And that took all day long?"

He shook his head. "No. I actually had business to get done today."

I got into bed. "Any more burning secrets?" He shook his head. He looked sad, or even disappointed. "Why do you look sad?"

He wiped emotion from his face, then smiled weakly. "I'm not sad."

"Then what's with that look?"

He sighed and laid down next to me, looking me in my eyes. "A year ago I wanted nothing more than to be with Maddy. Then a month later she ends up pregnant. So I took care of her. I supported her. Right before the baby came, I received a parcel in the mail. There were pictures, even a fucking video that caught her cheating on me. When I showed her, she confessed that the baby might not be mine. So I kicked her out on her ass and told her to bring proof that he was mine. Her evidence was comparing photos to me. The kid looked like his mother. So she decided a paternity test was the way to go. Turns out I was right when I kicked her out." He laid on his back. "For 9 fucking months I wanted that kid. I defended her against my family and came out looking like a fool."

"And you think I'd do that?"

He shook his head and looked me in my eyes. "Carrlino's believe in family. Family before yourself. It goes against Carrlino nature to cheat."

"Then why spy?"

He sighed, "Precaution." He looked at the ceiling again. "Marina went through your things because I asked her to. She found nothing but evidence that you're a good girl who wants people to think she's the opposite."

"Are you doing this to get over Maddy?" His brow creased, confused. "Marrying me."

"Oh." He shook his head. "No. I'm doing this for the same reason you are. Family."

I nodded then drifted off into dreamland.

The door to the bedroom opened quickly and loudly. I was startled out of my sleep to see a dark figure in the doorway. Jonathan already had his gun pointed at the intruder. The light turned on.

"Jesus Alfredo." Jonathan put the gun down "I told you to never do that. I was going to shoot you."

"Unless it's an emergency. It is. Get dressed. I'll be in the car." Alfredo looked at me when I started lying down to sleep again. "You too."

I scratched my head and looked at the clock. 2:45. "Why?"

"There was a shooting at your home a half an hour ago."

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