Chapter 11

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>>Next morning<<

"Wake up child. We have stuff to do. Hair! Make-up! Nails!" I was ushered out of bed. "Jon don't you dare turn over here. It's bad luck."

"I've already seen her today." He mumbled.

"Shut up!" The twins said in unison.

I got out of bed and washed my face. I'm getting married. The thought of my mother and father made this hard, but I have to do this for the family. I never wanted to run the family. We went to breakfast at a nice restaurant. At 11 we were at the salon. We didn't leave the salon until 1:00. An hour to get to the place and get into my dress. Not bad. When I stepped into the chapel, there were people all around. Mostly Jon's family. The twins ushered me to the room my dress was waiting for me in.

The butterflies hit me hard. I honestly thought I was going to puke on someone.

"You alright?" Enrique walked into the room. "The twins said you are acting funny."

I nodded. "I'm just nervous."

He nodded and looked at my dress, then my face. "You're a beautiful bride Gabs." I smiled. "They would be proud of you. You know that, right?"

I nodded. If I cried now I would ruin my makeup.

"You're sure this is what you want?"

I nodded. "Yea. This is a good thing Rique."

He smiled and nodded. "Then let's go give you away." I smiled when he walked towards me. He put the veil over my face. "Just hold in the puke. Wouldn't want to get it all over your guests."

I let out a short laugh. "I'm not going to puke. I'm just nervous."

He patted my cheek. "As long as this is what you want."

"Stop it." I stared into Rique's eyes. "I know I can leave if I want to."

"Alright." He offered his arm. "It's about time then."

I nodded and took his arm. The twins had my flowers, so I wouldn't have to worry about those. I took a deep breath when I heard the music queuing the girls to walk before me. Rique rubbed my arm. The twins walked before me now that Missy wasn't here.

Don't think of that! I scolded myself.

Christina handed me my flowers with a smile, then walked down the aisle. Rique put my veil down.

"Just breathe." He said with a satisfied smile.

When I heard the bridal march, I couldn't move right away. I was scared. When Rique started walking, I did too. Jon had a serious look on his face. I couldn't read his expression, which confused me. Then I got a good look at the crowd. A bunch of serious business men. No wonder he wouldn't smile.

When Rique and I got to Jon, Rique shook Jon's hand, then gave me a kiss on my cheek before giving me away. Jon did a quick once over when he took my hand from Rique. The nervous, sick feeling wouldn't go away. Jon seemed to notice, but not to care. That confused me, adding to my nerves. The whole experience felt like an anxiety attack. It was blurry until the vows and "I do's" came.

"Gabriella?" The minister said. I quickly made eye contact with him. "Do you take Jonathan to be your lawfully wedded husband, in sickness and health, through times of joy and times of sorrow, in times and plenty and none, 'til death do you part?"

I looked in Jon's eyes. They dared me to say no when I didn't answer immediately. "I do."

There was a collective sigh of relief.

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