Chapter 1: The First Day of a Glorious Adventure

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    Murmur, murmur. A bustling city. A blue sky. Stalls lined the streets and numerous people going about their business passed by a boy looking around with a huge grin on his face and excitement in his eyes. Slightly taller than most but his muscles made him look slightly stocky.

"Finally I'm here! The city of Adventure!"

He yelled causing the people around to look at him strangely which in turn caused him to shrink a little.

With black eyes and brown hair. What he wore were worn sandals, an overused backpack and travelers clothing. But what was the most distinguishing item he had on him was the poleaxe held in his right hand in which the head was pointed towards the ground. Unlike normal poleaxes however it had a few differences.

The polearm looked as if someone attached an anchor onto a staff and the huge blade spanned an entire person's torso. Using an anchor as a comparison, the crown of the anchor which is the blade was thick and sharpened to give it a cutting edge. Where the leftwards part of the stock and ring should be were spear tip-like blades attached as well as a smaller spearhead at the end of the staff and to top off the anchor look it was entirely a dull silver color... it still seemed better for crushing than cutting though.

The boy sighed in relief, finally at the destination of his long journey. After gaining directions from an old dwarf lady made his way to the adventurers' guild in the city of Adventure [Aupavia].

After climbing up the stone steps and into the grand doorway he entered the guild building. Stepping across the tiled floor he made his way to the clerk desk where a female teller sat.

"Welcome to the Guild. My name is Tia, how may I help you?"

The line which was uttered was bluntly mechanical as if some life had been sucked out of it.

"Er, yeah...I'd like to apply to be an adventurer?" The boy said bashfully as he scratched the back of his head.

"Sure wait just one moment please" the female clerk replied with her practiced business smile.

The clerk seemed to be around 17-18 years old with brown shoulder length hair, square glasses and wore a suit with a sleeveless jacket and red tie, which seemed to be the uniform for the female workers here. Overall combined with the clerk's natural looks it gave her a smart and businesslike appearance. A few seconds later the clerk placed a crystal ball with a blue hue down on the table of the receptionist booth and held a pin in her right hand.

Evidently a smidgen of energy had returned.

"Okay first let's get you registered place some of your blood onto this crystal ball and no worries the we don't re use pins it's perfectly ~ safe."

"Mm." The boy replied as he nodded his head.

He held out his hand and the clerk lightly stabbed his index finger. A single droplet of blood formed on top. He turned his hand over and let the blood drip down onto the crystal ball.

As soon as the blood came in contact with the ball it began to glow a gentle blue hue and words formed inside it.

"Hmm, hmm okay."

Race: Human Age: 16, Title: None etc. appeared on the ball and the clerk recorded it as it appeared.

"Okay finally the last step of this procedure, your name please."



"That doesn't tell you my name too?"

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