Chapter 2: Camp

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I had us explode from the surf so fast and hard that we landed in the middle of camp. I landed first, one foot, one knee, and a hand
hitting the ground. I braced my other hand on the knee that was in the air with my head lowered. The others landed behind me in
a pyramid formation, with the exact same position as me. We all stood as one and walked in sync, keeping formation. We had the
helmet let our eyes show. Most of the campers stopped and gawked at us. We were still walking, when we ran into a small group of
teens, about the same age as us. They stopped in front of us, all of their mouths looking as if they wanted to bite something.

A blonde dude stepped forward. Jason. He said, "Who in Hades are you?"

"Nice welcoming party you have at this, " I swallowed hard, "wonderful camp."

A brunette stepped forward, "He asked you a question. Answer it."

I decided to be a little funny, play with their minds. I wagged my finger and made a clicking noise with my tongue, "Your charm speak
won't work on me, Daughter of Aphrodite. Minor Goddess of, what was it? Relationships? Funny. The minor goddess of Relationships
can't help her own friends. Look how well that turned out for the Minor Goddess of Architecture over there. Or the Minor God of the flame. Or that boy Percy Jackson that disappeared into the surf multiple centuries ago. " Annabeth looked horrible at that comment.
Good. She deserves it after what she did to me. "But, I suppose, we should introduce ourselves. I am Maindrift, Minor God of Tides
and Currents. My friends and I are all warriors of the God Chaos. "

I gestured towards Inferno, who spoke up, "I am Inferno, Minor God of Sudden Death. "

Macadamize said, "I am Macadamize, Minor God of the Anvil. "

Stargaze spoke, "I am Stargaze, Minor Goddess of the Stars. "

"I am Clandestine, Minor Goddess of the River Lythe. "

"I am Rectify, Minor Goddess of Forgiveness. "

"I am Oratory, Minor God of Mistakes."

"I am Dolour, Minor Goddess of Imprisonment. "

"Alright, " The God of Shapeshifters said, "Well I'm-"

"We know who you are. We know who all of you are. "

"Who in Hades are you?" We heard off to our right. It was none other than Peter.

I tried to keep my cool, "Look who it is. Minor God of Ponds and Small Lakes. "

"Father did always love that Jackson better than me. "

"That's because he is better than you. " Annabeth said.

That startled me. Peter spoke, "I'm not gonna say it again, Who are you?"

I sighed, "We are the Warriors of Chaos. "

"I don't care who you are warriors of. I want you out of this camp. "

"And what happens if we don't get out?"

"I'll make you get out."

"What are you gonna do? Hurt me?"

His next statement was not what I was expecting, "You seem familiar. Do I know you?" Recognition flashed into his eyes. "Ah. Now I
remember. You know, running isn't always the solution."

"Shut up!" I growled.

"Especially running without allowing a chance to explain. " everyone was looking in between me and Peter. Inferno and Oratory put
restraining hands on my shoulders. Those wouldn't hold me, no matter how strong they were, I was stronger. Especially when I was

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