Out Of Town

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I rolled out of bed and instantly wanted to get back in. That first day of excitement wore off. It didn't even have anything to do with Miles' dad. I just didn't like waking up early. I jumped in the shower which I had partially neglected last night.

When I got out, I blow dried my hair, covered my face in foundation, put on my clothes consisting of black jeans and a black dress shirt, brushed my teeth, and all that jazz. When I was getting ready to leave, my phone buzzed. Someone was calling me.

I clicked the "Accept" button and pulled the phone to my ear.

"Hello?" I asked.

"Hey, um, I'm so sorry to ask this, but", someone began.

"Who is this?" I interrupted.

"Oh, I'm Frank", he said. "Frank Iero. Miles' dad. I'm really sorry to ask this but I really have no other choice. Do you mind watching Miles indefinitely? Like pick him up and stuff. I ran into a family emergency and I have no family in town. I'll send you the details of where I'll be and insurance and all that."

"Oh, um", I thought.

He was desperate. I had no choice.

"Sure", I hesitated.

He may be sketchy, but I wasn't going to risk anything for my beloved students. He thanked me profusely and texted me his address. I put it into Google maps and began to drive to his house. It wasn't far. It was in an extremely nice subdivision with neat little houses that all looked the same. Virtually no trees were planted anywhere, and the fake grass in every yard was an unnatural bright green.

I stopped at one of the brick houses and waited. Right away, Miles was ushered out and into the backseat of my car. Frank began to thank me nonstop and kissed his son goodbye.

"I love you so much Miles, be good for daddy please. Everything you need will be in your backpack," he smiled at him.

He handed me his house key and a wad of cash.

"If anything happens, you can bring him back here. Take this for any inconveniences", he offered, thanking me again.

"I can't take your money", I refused.

"Please", he begged. "Take it".

"Fine", I sighed. "I'll take care of him. Thank you".

"No, thank you", he smiled. "I owe you".

He left and shut the passenger door, instantly going back into his house. They guys barely knew me and he trusted me with his kid. Of course, he could count on me, but what if something crazy happened?

Unless something crazier would happen while Miles was with him.

NO! I had to push these thoughts out of my head.

I began to back out of his driveway and sped to school, trying to get there early. Miles rocked his legs back and forth and looked, smiling, out the window. His boyish curiosity and excitement was admirable. I pulled into the school parking lot and he got really excited.

"Hey buddy, I'm going to run to the store for your guys' chocolate milk, but I'll see you in class. Kay?" I turned around. "Don't worry about your backpack, I'll bring it in for you".

"Alright Mr. Way", he smiled and pushed open the car door. "We'll see you in a bit".

He slammed the door and I pulled out of the school parking lot and went to the store. I even got soy and almond milk for kids who can't drink regular milk. [A/N: I am crying]

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22, 2016 ⏰

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