✦ three: ball of sunshine ✦

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The goddess looked over her shoulder to find the cute boy asleep. He looked comfortable, grey sheets tucked in underneath him and his head sinking into the pillow. To be honest, Ambrosia wanted to give Josh a stuffed animal to add to the affect that this boy, probably wasn't going to be waking up anytime soon.

She tiptoed out of the chimera's room, listening to his soft snores as a guide, so she knew he was asleep. Ambrosia looked at the pictures in the hallway, pictures of Josh and his family pinned up in the hallway. It seemed like someone in the family was precise and organized because it seemed that the photos were chronologically ordered, she viewed the older picture from when they were younger and as she trailed farther down the hallway there were the newer ones. From the old pictures, she could feel love radiate off them. Their smiles not at all forced, it was natural, they were genuinely happy. She could literally see the flashback as she looked at each picture and how the photo came to be.

As she got farther into the hallway, she could feel each photo losing their touch. Now, instead of an enormous pool of love, so much she felt like she's drown, she felt very little love. When she viewed pictures that look more recent, she could see in its flashback that they were unhappy, all of them. Moments before the picture was snapped, his mother had smacked the back of his head and hissed something along the lines of, "don't disappoint me, these have to look great, now smile Joshua." and Ambrosia could feel the pain Josh had felt. Josh, of course, was used to it, after many years of mental torture, but this was all new to Ambrosia, her mother had never treated her like she was a sack of potatoes.

Ambrosia didn't mean to snoop through Josh's past, but it was her job to- actually, she didn't even know what her job was yet. Artemis, someone much like the sister she never had, was in charge of keeping nature intact, keeping animals like wolves and foxes alive because without animals, everything would be a disaster. Her mother, Aphrodite, had the job of making sure when a baby was born it had a soulmate that they would be soon paired up with. Ambrosia began to wonder what her own purpose was to stay in Beacon Hills, California. Maybe it was to help her find herself, find her job that would benefit herself as an Olympian- a goddess. Maybe.

Things got overwhelming far too overwhelming for the girl and she no longer wanted to stay inside the house. Subconsciously, the girl brushed out her dress, though there was nothing wrong, and she made her way to the front door of Josh's house. The instructions of his rang through her head, orders that were given to her before he went to bed.

"Do not leave the house." he told her. "I'm to keep you safe and you're my responsibility for now. There are... creatures out there and if anything were to happen to you, Theo would rip my head off. Feel free to watch some TV, eat what you want, just don't break anything or leave a mess. Wake me up if you need anything."

Ambrosia opened the doors, letting in fresh air that was so sweet to her nose. She could hear the birds chirp and sing beautifully, even if they weren't near her. The wind blew feverishly and the sounds that travelled through were so luscious to the ears, she could hear every animal's footsteps, every breath they took, the noises they made naturally. The goddess could hear drops of water trickling down leaves from the rainstorm the night before.

Technically she wasn't even leaving the house, she was standing in the doorway. Ambrosia was in a range where Josh could help her if she was in trouble anyway.

A cellphone ringing, piercing loudly in her ear, ruined her train of thought. She could hear the vibration of it as it rumbled on Josh's dresser. Ambrosia also heard the sound of him tossing the comforters off of him, growling as cursed about forgetting to silencing his phone.

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