Chapter 10

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I moaned and ran my fingers through Jasmine's hair. Her fingers traces my entrance but took her hand away before I could do anything.

"Jasmine." I moaned and tried to get her to stop teasing me. Jasmine chuckled and sucked the soft spot on my neck that she knew so well.

"We seriously have to stop doing this. It feels like every chapter we have some kind of encounter where we make out then Eric would always find a way to ruin it."

I looked over at the love of my life and nodded. "Please just continue."

My moans filled the air but Jasmine just shook her head. "I'm not going to be the side chick anymore! You are going to have to break up with Eric or else."

"I-But." My body pulled away from hers and I wrapped the blanket around myself.

"I can't." I said just above a whisper. Jasmine sighed and hovered over me.

"We can't continue with what we are doing. This is not who I am and it's not what I believe in. Name one thing you like about Eric." Jasmine said putting her hands on her hips.

Things I liked about Eric. He was nice, always use to sing for me. He always was very friendly to everybody.

"He always use to sing for me and do little performances with him and his friends." I said smiling at the memory.

"And when was the last time he did that for you?" Jasmine asked.

I don't know. I think it was for many it was for....I honestly can't remember.

"I don't know okay." I said looking down. I'm a slut seeing two people at the same time.

"Then why do you stay with him?" Jasmine asked confused. "You obviously don't like him."

"I'm scared." I whispered. Jasmine sighed and ran a hand through her beautiful hair.

"He isn't going to do anything to you." Jasmine reassured. I shook my head tears started to form.

"You wouldn't get it." I said whipping my eyes. She doesn't know how it is to be me.

"Then explain it to me. Tell me why you're scared." Jasmine said sitting down next to me. Her hand found its way towards mine and pulled me onto her lap.

"I didn't think my brother was going to start abusing me. I didn't think you were going to leave me. I didn't think my life was going to be this confusing. Eric, I'm afraid he is going to start abusing me like my brother did. Im scared hes going to betray me like everyone in my life has." I sobbed.

Eric one day is going to get angry with me and start abusing me. And I'm scared if I break up with him he's just going to come back and abuse me. I'm scared that if I make him angry he might use me.

"Baby. Look at me, I'm sorry I left you here. I'm so sorry. But I'm going to stay here and help you through this. Im going to help you through everything life throws at us. It will be you and me together with love. And that love might as well be the only shield we have against everybody else."

I cried into Jasmine's shirt, probably leaving it soaked.

"I can't break up with him. I can't. I love you Jasmine I really do but, I have to stay with him. Because what if he goes after you? What if he hurts you?" I asked cupping Jasmine's crying face. "I can't risk you getting hurt because of me."

"Baby. He isn't going to hurt me or you. Okay? We got this. Breaking up with people is just part of life. If you let people step over you for the rest of your life you're going to get beatened."

"He will hurt you. I've seen it before, when we first started dating, he beat up this super muscly guy by himself. Jasmine you don't get it. Eric has many string friends-"

"Kayla! I don't care! I love you so much it hurts. And I'm not letting somebody you don't even love take you away from me. I-"

"Jasmine. Eric is going to hurt you and everybody you. He's dangerous. And I don't want you to get hurt or worse."

"He can't hurt everyone I love because the only person in this world that I love is you. And he is going to have to get through me to get you."

My heart was touched by her words but I knew I couldn't let her get hurt.

"Jasmine, he already has me." I said crying. My heart felt like it was being stabbed. But this was for the best.

"Then I'm just going to have to get you back." Jasmine said cracking her fist.

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