Getting help

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In the morning I woke up sweating and screaming. I went to the bathroom and splashed water on my face, then went downstairs to where the family was.
Mom" Ally come here Hun."

Ally" ok mom."
We sat on the couch and just like Blake she looked at wrist and shook her head. She had tears in her eyes as she looked up at me.
Mom" why baby."

Ally" Sam, life, depression."

Mom" what happened with Sam honey I thought you guys were going good together."

Ally" he cheated on me and we broke up and I'm a little depressed about it."

Mom" oh baby girl that's no reason to hurt yourself cmon go get dressed in gonna take you somewhere."
I went back upstairs to get dressed. I woke some blue jeans, a white t-shirt and a yellow cardigan with white converse. When I came back down my brother and mom were talking then I knew exactly where she was taking me. We got in the car and started to drive somewhere in town to the therapist office.
Mom" cmon honey I want you to talk to someone about this issue before it becomes bigger."

We sat and talked to a lady named Margret she looked young, but she was old she was 56 and she looked 37. I told her why I had been cutting and she understood me and told me some things that would help me not think of Sam one of them was taking a vacation to another place and I actually liked it. I really wanted to go to LA or Texas or somewhere like that hopefully my mom would let me.
We got back home and then I started to look online for tickets to LA my dad said it would be a great idea to get away from school and take a break since I've been working hard, but Blake would have to come with me I was ok with that, but he barely lets me have fun on my own.

I got ready for bed then got a text from Sam.
Sam" hey princess."

Ally" what do you want Sam?"

Sam" nothing in just bored."

Ally" why don't you text your girlfriend😒"

Sam" woah woah woah why so sarcastic."

Ally" you know what Sam just leave me alone please you've caused me enough pain."

Sam" ok fine then but I'll always love you baby girl."
I stopped texting him then went to bed and dreamt about me going to LA and actually having fun it was nice and I couldn't wait to go.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 05, 2017 ⏰

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