Moving on?

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Today was Friday and usually I was more excited for Friday's because of course no school, but this time I wasn't because the only thing on my mind was Sam. I can't believe I lost him what's wrong with me? I got dressed this morning I skipped breakfast and just started walking to school. I saw Sam and caught up with him.
Ally" Sam I'm so sorry for what I did it's just I don't know why I kept a grudge over that please don't leave me."

Sam" You know Ally we've been through a lot, but I think this time it's really over."

Ally" Sam this is only our 2nd fight please."

Sam" I'm sorry Ally, can we still be great friends."

Ally" Sam...."
I had tears coming down my cheeks, Sam looked at me and I cupped his face and kissed him passionately and he kissed back. If we were breaking up I want to always remember this moment, his soft lips and chubby cheeks. After we parted he hugged me and whispered in my ear.
Sam" I'll always love you baby girl."
We walked the rest of the way to school and when we got there I went with Tracy and she comforted me through the day. I felt so weak and sad like I couldn't go through the day without thinking of him.
When lunch came he didn't even come to our table like usual he was with someone else and while eating I just burst out crying. My heart was broken and it hurt...bad, I got through the day and when it was time to go home Tracy walked me home this time to make sure I wasn't doing anything to make myself sadder.

Later while I was laying in a puddle of my own tears Tracy texted me telling me some big news.

Ally: what is it Tracy?

Tracy: so I was walking back home and I passed by the park and I saw Sam with another girl they were kissing and stuff, then they were talking about how Sam broke up with you to be with her and I found out that he's been secretly dating her for 4 months.

Ally: WHAT!?

Tracy: yeah sorry Ally😞.

Ally: I can't believe this he broke up with me just to be with someone better.

Tracy: don't worry Ally you'll find someone better you don't need him.

Ally: thanks for telling me Tracy I'll text you later.

Tracy: alright.
I can't believe that Sam has been cheating on me I just cannot get that thought out if my head why would he do this what have I done wrong. I so wanted to do something but what? What could I do? Nothing. I laid down again and cried myself to sleep and in the morning I would plan to go and do something.

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