Enemy? Please.

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I felt as if all my energy had been drained. My body felt weak and my eyelids felt heavy. My connection to Alaric and the others was gone, which caused a horrible headache. I slowly opened my eyes and noticed I was in a dark room. I was sitting on a damp floor with my hands in shackles. I looked down at them and noticed it was iron with lava patterns. Damn witches! Thanks to them I can't use my powers. I let out a heavy sigh as I felt the dry blood cover my arms and part of my neck. I don't even remember what happened or how long I've been out. I was snapped out of my thoughts as a steel door opened, letting in a blinding light. I turned my head to the side, covering my eyes as a masculine laugh fills the room.

"Well isn't it the Generals pet. I never thought I would live to see the day when you get captured by the enemy. Now here you are as weak as a feather. Tell me, does it feel to know that your mate and your father are dead." He laughed.

"Alaric is not dead! If he died, then I would have too!" I growled.

"Oh really? Here's a picture of his dead body." He smirked and made me look at a fake ass picture of my mate.

"That's not him. His hair isn't black." I growled as I pulled a bobby pin out of my back pocket and started picking the lock.

"I assure you he is dead. Sadly, we won't kill you. You will bear my sons child and then become the ultimate immortal soldier. You will be obedient and follow orders. If you do this, then we won't kill you." He laughed as he left me in the dark room. A loud scream was heard from down the hall and it sounded feminine. I growled loudly as I picked the lock and the shackles fell to ground, as I looked around I reached over and touched the bars. I felt my hand burn and pulled away quickly. I cursed under my breath as I realized it was cursed by a witch. I heard heavy footsteps walk towards the heavy door so I quickly made it look like I was chained up. The door opened and revealed a guard holding a girl who looked as if she was passed out. I sneered at the guard as he threw the blond into the cell next to mine. He smirked at me before looking her cage and coming into mine.

"Your turn bitch." He barked as he slipped on a glove and grabbed my arm. Him touching my skin burned in an annoying way, but not enough for me to scream. He led me out of the room, more like carried me because the glove was draining my energy. It was about 5 minutes later and I was strapped down to a chair in a white room. I growled at the bitch who moved my hair away from my mark. She simply flashed her fangs at me as I tried to get out of the chair.

"Are we read to proceed?"

"Yes Sir, she is fully restrained."

"Alright then, let's break her mate bond, shall we."

"Only I can break it asshole." I growled.


"Tell me, what exactly do you plan on doing with me? You know I will never obey your orders." I hissed as Delta finally woke up.

Let's kick some ass Kate. Delta growled in anger.

I'll let you deal with this one, while I try to open the links. I smirked as Delta kicked the hell out of the guards as I tried to open the links to the others. After 5 minutes of trying, I finally managed to open them.

"We have to find her!" Alaric's voice boomed.

"Don't you think we know that!?" Micha's voice boomed back.

"If we can open the link to her by using magic we may be able to see through her eyes." Ryder suggested.

"It's worth a shot." Tom threw in.

"Just as long as we find her!" Bliss screamed.

"Well it's good to know I'm missed. Now all of you look at the weather radar and find a huge amount of rain in one area. ....Actually scratch that, ...look for a hurricane." I ordered smirking as Delta created a huge ass storm.

"We found you Lieutenant. Micha will be there in 3,...2,...1." Bliss counted down.

"Hold on tight Lieutenant." Micha smirked as I took control back. I wrapped my arms around his neck as he wrapped his around my midsection. And in the blink of an eye we were back at the base. I gave everyone a hug and saved the best one for last. I walked over to Alaric to see him with a happy, worried expression on his face. I pulled him into a hug as he brushed his lips over mine. I kissed him back as he pulled me closer to him. I pulled away shortly after, and looked up at him.

"You shouldn't be that worried about me. I took out that hole enemy base."

DAMN IS ANYONE ELSE SCARED OF KATE?! I KNOW I AM!! Lol jk make sure you click the youtube video to get the full experience of her powers. She creates full on storms! Anyways special thanks to GabrieleJovic for typing up the chapters I send to her! She's awesome guys go follow her and tell her how wonderful she is!

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