41. Like father, like son

Start from the beginning

Well the joke had been on him. That was so abundantly clear. He opened his eyes again and looked with affection at her and their gorgeous son. He had fallen SO hard that he had no idea what hit him, and he could not for the life of God figure out how HE of all people could be so fortunate.

A feeling of guilt traveled through him as he thought of the life he had led before he met Cassandra. A life filled with violence, shady operations close to the border of crime and sometimes even killing. He shuddered at the thought, and looking at his son he knew that he would never let him grow up in such environment. It ended here.

"I don't want him to end up . . ." Billy took a pause and cleared his throat looking down into the floor, "Like me, you know."

"Oh Billy, " Cassie said and stood up with their son in her arms, "You are the sweetest most kind-hearted man I know." Seeing the urge to hold their son in Billy's eyes, she gave him a soft smile and carefully handed the little bundle over into his strong and protective arms.

"I didn't used to be, " he mumbled with a thick throat, "I've done so many bad things."

Cassie could both hear and see the agony in him, but as his eyes caressed the small person that he held in his arms, his eyes lit up like the morning sun.

"Done, yeah. Not doing or will do, " Cassie told him in a hushed voice, "I KNOW that you will be the best dad ever, and I wouldn't mind at all having one more of you around."

Billy looked up into her eyes and arched an eyebrow at her.

"In fact," Cassie told him, " I think he's inherited your skills around this area." She motioned at her breasts . "Sometimes I think he's not even eating, you know. He just lies there."

Billy's eyes widened and he looked down on his son with a smirk on his face. "Hey! You little prick! Those tits are mine, you hear." He shook his head with amusement. "Food for you, FUN for me! Get it? Okay?"

Cassie rolled her eyes discretely and buttoned up her blouse, then she reached for her handbag that she'd thrown on the couch in the corner half an hour ago. "Are they here?" she asked as casually as possible.

Billy looked up at her and gave her a smile and a nod. "Yeah . . .they are in the kitchen." Then he glanced back down on his precious son like he had second thoughts. "Can we really leave him with those two?"

Cassie, who had walked over to the door and was about to leave the room, turned around and gaped with amazement at him.

"BILLY! It's your father . . . and Lisa." Cassie threw her arms out in surprise. But then as she saw the mischievous look on Billy's face as he raised his gaze slowly to look at her, she couldn't help but to burst out laughing. "Damn you Billy! Everything is prepared, okay. You do not have to worry about it, I have already talked to Lisa. She knows where everything is, literally, and I have even given her a written note of his usual meal times. So, yeah . . . I think they will manage just fine. "

The broad grin he had on turned even wider as he carefully put his, now sleeping, son down in the baby crib and covered him with the soft blanked. The second after he turned around and wiggled his eyebrows her way.

"Sorry baby, can't help myself." He strode over to her and wrapped his strong arms around her, holding her close to his solid chest, "But considering their 'track' record, you cannot blame me now, can you?" The corner of his lips twitched as he winked his eye to her.

Cassie pursed her lips and looked heavenward in an attempt to NOT roll her eyes at her husband again. She knew from experience that they did not have any time for that now, but deep inside she heated up considerably at the memory of the last time she had rolled her eyes too many times at him. That special and particular occasion he had not even given a damn fuck to where they had been at the time; hence he had fucked her hard and thoroughly in the captain's quarters of a business associates yacht which they had been on just to land a deal between the two companies. It had been a thrill to say the least as they had almost been caught.

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