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he saw her again in the carnival today. but youngjae wasn't with her. she was sitting in one of the benches, listening to music.

he wondered, why is she always at the carnival.

well, he liked it anyways. always seeing her whenever he's at work. but then he remembered, she doesn't know it's me. he didn't plan to tell her who he is. but he wanted to see her smiling at him.

he always see her smiling whenever she's with youngjae. true, his laugh always makes other people smile. but he thought, just seeing her smile makes his whole day already better.

he took one of the balloons and walked near her. he reached out his hand to her and she looked up at him.

"oh? thank you." she said and smiled.

he nodded and walked back to his spot but when he was walking back, she called out to him.

"excuse me." she said.

he turned around and looked at her. he tilted his head as a sign for asking why.

"may i know your name?" she asked.

he shook his head, thinking that if he didn't tell his name to her would be better. he pointed to his bear head and shrugged. he waved at her as a sign of goodbye and walked back to his spot.

balloons | mark tuanDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora