Louis over eating *extended

Start from the beginning

Niall stared down at his food distastefully before shaking his head, burping into his hand. "You know what Lou? If you finish that plate you deserve the title, I can't eat anything else." 

"Yes!" Louis ate everything else on the plate within minutes and put his hands in the air sluggishly, "I win, I win!"

"Don't expect it to happen ever again, Tommo." 

Niall grinned and laughed a little before walking into the kitchen, probably to get a drink.

"You feeling okay after all that food, love?" Amelia asked.
Louis shrugged carelessly, "I've got a mean stomachache but it'll go away."  

He had just beaten the Niall Horan at an eating contest, it was a once in a lifetime moment of celebration. He wasn't gonna let a full belly bring him down.

"Tell me if you start feeling sick." Amelia looked up at him wearily.

 Louis grinned and let himself be lead outside into the backyard where all the kids were running around.

"Daddy!" Laney shrieked excitedly, running up and throwing herself at Louis' legs with a surprising amount of force for a newly turned eight year old. He stumbled back a little but managed to stay on his feet.
He smiled at his daughter, chuckling at the large tomato sauce stain on her brand new white dress, "hey!"

 His stomach rumbled and he rubbed it in discomfort.

Amelia looked at her watch. "Laney sweetie, do you want to tell everyone to start getting their stuff together? Their parents are going to be here in a minute," she said.  Laney nodded and ran back do her friends, shouting at the top of her lungs.

Parents started arriving not long later and knowing that Louis and Amelia had had a long day already, left without saying too much. Soon the house was finally quiet, which seemed a little weird after the pitchy shouts and screams that had been echoing around since early in the morning.

Louis was beginning to get a bit fidgety. He had expected for his stomach to have started deflating by now but he could still feel it fighting to digest the eleven plates of party food he had managed to consume in the couple of hours.

"I'm home!" Louis' oldest daughter Arin shouted as she came in through the front door. She had left for her friends house before the kids had invaded, knowing full well that it was going to be hectic. The sound of her shoes sinking into the carpet drew closer and she entered the living room where they were all seated on the couches lazily.

She plopped into the last space left and shook her shoes off, "how was the party?" 

"Loud," Liam huffed with a smile as he put his feet on the coffee table.

Amelia shot him a look and he sheepishly pulled them down as she began to, "I was just kidding, it's alright."

Niall groaned and flopped onto his side on the couch, "I feel like I'm going to be sick. I don't know how the hell you did it Lou."

Louis shrugged. He knew now that he'd been stupid, his bubbling gut was more than enough to make him regret what he'd done. "I'm not exactly feeling great either. . ."

Niall rolled his eyes, "I'm not surprised."

"What's going on?" Arin questioned, her eyes darting between her father and Niall in confusion.

"I ate eleven plates of party food," Louis said quietly.

Niall sighed, "he beat my record, somehow."

"Eleven plates?" Arin repeated. She looked at her Dad, "you're an idiot."

"I agree." Amelia nodded.

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