1 | The Test

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Ai's future depended on the results of one test.

Ever since Ai had entered her third year of University, her parents had briefed her about the Internal Assessment, a test that paired Third-year students with a suitable company for their Final-year Internships.

Students who scored well would find internships with esteemed companies. If they were lucky, they would be offered a job upon graduation, and they worked their way towards their upper echelons. 

However, students who fared poorly would fail to secure an Internship. If they were lucky, they would end up in a dead-end job for a couple of years, and would eventually secure a career in a mediocre firm.

Although Ai found these prospects were unnerving, they weren't as terrifying as her parents' wrath. If Ai left her University without an Internship, her parents would regard her with disappointed scowls, and would probably disown her for her ineptitude.

'Are you nervous?' asked a voice.

Ai detached herself from her thoughts, and jumped at the voice. She looked towards her professor, a bearded man with hazel eyes, as he gave her a grin.

'Of course I am,' answered Ai. 'And even if I wasn't, you would rile up my nerves with your "words of encouragement".'

The man laughed. 'That's the best part about being a Professor. I can deliver speeches that'll harass my students, and I've learnt to disguise them as "pep-talks".'

Ai laughed as Professor Chen took a seat next to her. She gave him a grateful smile.

Unlike many lecturers, Professor Chen took an active effort to bond with his students. He distributed treats during his lectures, he punctuated his sessions with humour, and he was able to make even the dullest subjects sound like an adventure. With him around, Ai was confident that she could calm her nerves.

'There's nothing to be nervous about,' reassured Chen. 'Although there's a section that'll test you on your intellect, most of the questions will assess your personality and preferences. There's no way to study for them.'

'I would prefer it if I could,' admitted Ai. She wanted to know the right answers to give, as well as the ones that were wise to avoid.

Although the Assessment's 'Personality Section' didn't have a defined grading system, Ai still knew several ways that she could 'fail'. If her answers conveyed that she knew too little, she wouldn't receive an acceptable internship. If they revealed that she knew too much, she could be identified as an experienced hacker.

Ai sighed. Her colorful past put her on dangerous ground.

'Hey, Mr. C,' chimed a voice.

Ai turned towards the girl who hovered over her. Dark-rimmed glasses framed her eyes, and her long hair was pulled back into a ponytail.

The girl took a seat next to Ai. She greeted her professor with a mock salute.

'You're looking diabolical today,' she stated.

'Thank you, Kailan,' said Professor Chen. 'I tend to try to scare as many students as possible before they take their Internal Assessments. Did you know that they account for 75% of your future?'

Kailan laughed, and Ai tried her best not to shrivel. Although her professor was kidding, she didn't find his comment very funny.

'You're terrible, you know that?' Kailan grinned. 'Your comments may seem enlightening, but they're just half-witted excuses to scare your students.'

'That just means that he's mastered the art of teaching,' Ai responded.

Professor Chen let out a booming laugh, causing every head to turn in their direction. Kailan nudged Ai on the shoulder, and laughed as loudly as their professor did, as Ai tried her best to stifle her smile.

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