Chapter 2 - The South Side.

Start from the beginning

“No.” I spoke harshly. Paul raised his eyebrows, flicking his eyes between Louis and I, as did the rest of the boys.

“That’s the last time I let you choose the design.” Anna muttered, she looked angry as she narrowed her eyes at her husband. “She’s a baby girl, she’s not part of the gang. Was the symbol on the top really necessary?” She snapped, slamming the box closed and folding her arms over chest.

“She’s family, therefore-“ Paul began to protest but was swiftly cut off by his wife.

“Exactly family, the gang isn’t family, that’s business.”

“Twenty years on and you’re still referring to them as a gang. They’re family whether you like it or not!” Tension and tempers were beginning to rise; the rest of us stood watching in amusement. Their arguing wasn’t new; in fact it was a weekly thing.

“They’re animals!” She yelled back as if we weren’t stood in the room.

“Are you forgetting you’re married to one?”

“What a fucking mistake that was.” Anna growled fiercely. Before Paul could respond the shrill cries of a new-born baby halted all arguments. Anna snarled at him before stomping out the kitchen and upstairs.

“She’s just hormonal and everything, the midwife warned me this would happen.” Paul sighed as he sat up at the kitchen table on one of the bar stools. I sat opposite him, Louis next to me and Niall, Zayn and Liam on the other side of the table.

“Remind me to never get married, let alone have children.” I replied, resting my head in my hands.

“So are you gonna tell us what happened in the East or what?” Liam spoke, looking smug with a grin plastered on his face. Paul instantly turned his gaze towards us and looked expectant.

“Nothing happened.”

“Oh really? Then why does Louis look like he’s about to soil himself?”

“Fucking hell Lou, you’re the one who said forget it and here you are looking like a child on Christmas.” I scowled, smacking him round the back of his head wiping the juvenile smirk off his face.

“So something did happen?” Niall opted in, leaning over the table, as did Paul.

“Nothing happened.” I slammed my fist down on the counter, despite the fact I could feel the heavy throbbing in my hand I chose to ignore it and grit my teeth. “Jesus Christ.” I swore under my breath.

“You didn’t get into any trouble did you? We know what they’re like on that side.”

“No, we didn’t even see any of the East siders. Why did you even want a cake from there anywhere? There are plenty of cake shops in the South.”

“Don’t blame me. Anna saw their designs on their website and her mind was set. Believe me, you don’t want to argue with a woman who’s nine months pregnant.” He looked worn out as he spoke, he looked like the one who had just given birth rather than his wife. “So no trouble at all? You didn’t even see any of them?”

“Not a single East side twat in sight.” Louis answered looking oddly amused.

“Well now we’ve got that out the way, what’s got Harry in a huff?” Zayn mused edgily, he wasn’t the sort of person to beat around the bush with anything.

“Why don’t you tell them Haz?”

“Louis, you said forget it. What the heck are you doing?” My voice rose in decibels despite the fact he was sat right next to me. My teeth were grinding against each other due to infuriation, one minute he wanted me to forget the next he want me to retell it like a bedtime story.

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