Chapter 11

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My whole body ached when I rolled out of bed the next morning. I had my riding lesson bright and early. Two falls in one day would have to be a new record for me. Slowly I pulled on a pair of breeches and walked down to the barn.

Lexus stood sleepily in his stall. "Morning sleepy head," I said sliding open his door.

I led Lexus down to the cross-ties where I gave him a good brush and threw on his HCA saddle pad with matching polos wraps.

Soon enough I walked Lexus down to the busy arena where McKenzie, Skylar, and Alison were warming up. Quietly I mounted Lexus and pick up a working trot.

Mr. Rooks showed up exactly on time. He wore his regular tan breeches with his navy blue polo shirt. "Good morning girls," he said as we all lined up in the middle of the arena. "Today I have set up gymnastics, and I would like to see how you and your horse take the challenge."

I smiled because I love gymnastics, and Krystal had believed that they helps a rider's position over jumps.

"I would like all of you to dismount your horses and walk the gymnastics," Mr. Rooks instructed, "then I would like you to make a decision on how many strides you will get."

Quickly we all dismounted and walked the jumps. The gymnastics was a simple 2'3 cross rail then one stride to a 2'6 vertical, three strides to a 2'6 Swedish oxer, and finally two strides to a another oxer about 2'9.

When everyone had mounted back on their horses Mr. Rooks spoke up, "ok Katie why don't you go first and how many strides are you going to get?"

"Because of Lexus's small stride I was going to take it a one, to a three to a two stride," I replied confidently.

"If you believe that is right decision then go ahead," Mr. Rooks said as I pick up a canter.

I counted the strides in my head making sure that I would make it through smoothly. 3, 2, 1, jump, I lifted into the air and then I slowed Lexus down slightly to fit the one stride. After that I had a smooth three strides to an oxer which felt amazing, and lastly a small two stride to a another oxer. Once I was finish I pulled up in the line and gave Lexus a huge pat for his good effort.

"That was good Katie," Mr. Rooks complimented, "but it was almost too safe, I want you to take it again but this time I want you to take a stride away between each jumps."

"Really?" I question unsure if he would make it.

"Trust yourself and just go for it," Mr. Rooks instructed.

I sighed and then picked a bit of an extended canter. I really did not think I could make it over the jumps as smoothly, but I did as he asked anyways.

3, 2, 1, we jumped over the first cross rail. The one stride that had now become an out of control bounce. I had to take off long for the vertical. Then if that was not bad enough, I could not get enough pace to the Swedish and I ended up knocking the whole thing over. I made it clean over the last jump, but just barely.

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