Chapter 7

2.4K 100 21

“Mr. Rooks,” I said as I walked into his office, “You wanted to speak with me.”

          “Yes, I did. Now come sit and make yourself comfortable,” he replied, and I sat down on one of his large chairs. “I have decided to put you in the advanced group as you know, but there are certain rules that you must follow. First off, you must obtain at least a B average. If you get caught cheating, or disobey the rules. You will be thrown off the team. Understood?”

          “Yes,” I said quietly because I was a little intimidated by him.

          “Lastly, you must wear the proper attire to every lesson, which will be found in your room.” I tried to remember if I had any uniforms in my closet when he told me. “This also includes your horse. Here is everything that you will need,” Mr. Rooks then handed me a navy blue saddle pad with light blue trimming, matching navy blue cooler for winter time, and light blue polo wraps. Everything had the letter ‘HCA’ sewn into it.

          “Wow, Lexus is going to be one matching horse,” I stated.

          “Let’s hope he looks good in navy blue then,” Mr. Rooks chuckled before instructing me “go back and finish unpacking. I will see you bright and early tomorrow morning for you 7:00 lesson.”

          Before heading back to my room, I put all of the new tack away, and I said good night to Lexus.  I walked out of the barn in the direction on my dorm when McKenzie came running up behind me.

          “You made it into the advanced group,” she excitedly while jumping up and down. “We will be able to ride together.”

          “Lessons really start at 7:00?” I asked.

          “Yup, they are early mornings, but it is totally worth it,” it was cool that McKenzie was warming up to me, and I was glad to have made another potential friend. “What level do you live on?” she asked “Because my room is on level 2, with all of the girls that ride.”

          I bowed my head down low; I was a little a shamed that I had to live the teachers. “Well it is kind of complicated,” I said, “there was an over flow, and I have been placed in the teachers dorm.”

          “I hear the teacher’s dorms are huge, you are so lucky!” McKenzie was in awe. “I will have to come over and check it out one time.”

          “I have to finish unpacking, but you can come over anytime you would like,” I stated.

          “Let’s swap number, that way I can text you later,” she said as she handed me a slip of paper with her number, and I did the same.

          “It was nice meeting you McKenzie,” I said as we split up to head to our different buildings.

          As I walked into the front door of the teacher’s dorm I noticed that there was another teacher leaving. She had short blond hair and she only looked to be in her mid-twenties.

          “You must be the new student that lives in the teacher’s dorm,” the teacher held out her hand “I am Ms. Jackson the grade 10 honors science teacher.”

          I shook her hand and said “My name is Katie, and I believe I have science first semester.” I tried to remember my time table.

          “Great, I will see you in class tomorrow then,” Ms. Jackson said before she walked off.

          I would definitely be the teacher’s pets this year if I am constantly sucking up to them. Maybe this would be a good thing though; they might even take it easy on me, but most likely they won’t!

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