When she arrived inside the house, she found Michelle busy in the kitchen expertly flipping pancakes and offered to set the table. “Thanks sweetie, but don’t worry about it. Seth will be down in a second to do that. Instead, can you wake Pete and Chase up? I really don’t have time for those two idiots.” She paused before adding, “Oh and Jace and LaCienega are leaving so you don’t need to tell them breakfast will be ready soon.”

Krislynn nodded. “Sure. Okay. Pete’s room is the one downstairs right?”

Michelle mumbled a couple of quick agreements, but was too busy trying to catch her pancakes to say anything else. Skipping cheerfully down the hall, Krislynn got to the end of the hallway and turned to her right for Pete’s room, but when she got there, not only was the door open, but the room was empty as well. She made her way to the living room next, having remembered him sleeping there the night before, but he wasn’t there either. Deciding, she’d get the other lazy bum out of bed first, she made her way upstairs to wake Chase.

“Wake up you dummy. Breakfast is going to be ready soon.” Krislynn slammed the door behind her just for effect before trotting up to the edge of the bed.

Chase immediately cursed under his breath before straightening his body and propping himself up with one elbow. “What time is it?” Eyes half-closed, he glanced around the room, saw the time display, decided it was way too early, and went back to sleep.

“Come on Chase, get up!” Frustrated, Krislynn walked up to the side of the bed before taking a seat on the perimeter. “Aren’t you hungry?” She asked, shaking him on the arm. “You’re going to miss breakfast if you sleep in. We’re having pancakes.”

“Oh whoopie doo, pancakes Krislynn. I don’t get amused by food the way you do and I won’t sacrifice sleep for breakfast.” Eyes still closed, Chase let a cheeky grin spread across his face. “That is, of course, unless we’re having sex for breakfast. Then we can negotiate.”

Krislynn laughed before playfully flicking him on the forehead with her finger. “Pervert.” She smiled remembering what Jace had told her earlier before. “Did your mom use to knit you reindeer sweaters for Christmas?”

His eyes promptly shot open and he stared at her with bafflement for a good couple seconds before diverting the topic. “Thanksgiving hasn’t even passed yet and you’re talking about Christmas? That’s so far away still.”

“Oh yeah. American Thanksgiving is going to be in a few weeks, right? I can’t really tell seasonal time here because it’s always so sunny.” Krislynn paused and started wondering if he was going to spend it with his family. What would she do if he did? There was no way she could join even if she was invited to. That would be weird, she thought.

Chase seemed to sense her wariness of the topic and changed it once more. “What’s that thing you’ve got there?” He asked, nodding to the panda bear she was holding under one arm. “It looks hideous.”

“Yeah,” she agreed. “It looks like you!” His jaw fell and Krislynn laughed as she placed the bear on her side of the bed before taking a seat beside Chase’s legs. “I’m kidding Chase. After all this time, I thought you’d know how repulsed I am by your good looks.”

“Yeah, unfortunately. Some girls are just born without the ability to appreciate the finer things in life, I guess.” He rolled onto his stomach and placed his hands beside his head before he continued. “So who gave that ugly thing to you? It wasn’t here last night, was it?”

“Nope. Jace got it for me at the amusement park last night, but he didn’t end up giving it to me until this morning.”

“Oh,” he said casually. Then he yawned and quickly spread out both his arms, conveniently knocking into the panda and sending it flying off the bed and across the room. “How very nice of him.”

It was Krislynn’s turn to let her jaw drop. “Hey!” She screamed. “You did that on purpose!”

“It was an accident,” he said nonchalantly.

“My ass,” she yelled. “If it was an accident, it would have rolled off the bed and not flown across the room!”

“Whatever,” he said, and then quickly jumped out of bed and started taking his shirt off.

Krislynn walked over to the other side of the room to pick up the bear, and then set it gently on top of one of her bags before spinning around to face Chase. She was about to ask him what his deal was, but by then, he was stripping his boxers off, and it only took a two second glance at his perfectly blessed bum before it sent her racing out of the room.

She couldn’t handle looking at something like that. It would be so much better if he had an ugly tattoo on one side of his butt cheek that looked like a mistake from an acid trip when he was sixteen, but instead it was utter perfection and so, so, so disgusting to her.

Sighing, Krislynn started her way downstairs. At least that was one lazy boy out of bed. Now where was the other?

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