Chapter 7 - [Stables]

Start from the beginning

Suddenly, Ti gasped. "Oh my," she said as she rushed to Saia's side. "She got to you already?"

Saia continued to smile a small smile as Ti lifted up and examined the red marks on Saia's arm.

"Here, let me give you something for that, Saia," as I rummaged through my things. I pulled out an ointment that I had packed with me to soothe any bites from bugs. It worked on soothing skin welts as well.

When I walked over to her, I noticed Ti look at me with surprise as I rubbed a little bit of the ointment onto Saia's skin. "Thanks Kiya," Saia smiled at me.

"Whoa!" Ti chuckled, "did you make that yourself?"

I nodded.

"It would be great if Lady Aziza assigned you to something with Lord Khamuza. He's a physician and he's very kind," Ti said.

I had no idea who that was, but I smiled. She was probably right since she's been here much longer than I have. And I guess working with a physician would be nice.

"As for you, Saia," Ti started as she turned to her. "Don't take it personally. We consider it a miracle when people have been working here for a month and haven't been scolded or whipped by Lady Aziza at least once."

Saia let out a short chuckle. "Really?"

Ti nodded. "I got my first whip two days in. I work in the garden and within a day I killed three of Aziza's favourite plants," she chuckled as she spoke, "she was not happy."

Saia looked like she already felt a little better.

"You'll get the hang of things, I promise," Ti grinned at her new friend. "But for now, I'll be off. I have to get to work. Make sure you keep your ears open for when Aziza calls to herd all you new folk in for job assignments."

Once we said our goodbyes to Ti, she rushed off to do what I suppose was gardening.

I sat down on the mattress and it wasn't as bad as I expected it to be. Of course, it wasn't a mattress made of silk and goose feathers... I think there was actually straw inside of this one, judging by the sound it made when I sat down on it. But it was still comfortable.

Once I had taken a seat, I pulled my lovely perfume flask out of my bag. It had thankfully survived the fall when I dropped my bag earlier, and I was especially glad that the lovely corked lid stayed on and nothing spilled out.

I put it in the empty chest and next to it, I sorted out all my things. After I was done, Saia joined me on my bed and we shared the last bit of bread that I had brought with me from home. It had kind of dried out, but was still good... and since Ti didn't want us storing any food here, I guess it would be better if we finished it off.

"Ti seems very nice," I said to Saia.

"I like her," she said. "I hope all the maids are like her."

As she said that, my eyes flickered over to the sleeping Namare.

"Hello, you both are new maids?" I suddenly heard a voice say.

When I looked at the entrance of our room, I saw a girl looking into it.

"Lady Aziza is on her way to do the assignments... you should head down before she gets here."

Both Saia and I immediately stood up. "Thanks for telling us!" Saia said.

The girl nodded before walking off.

I looked at Namare one more time before heading out of the room with Saia.

I guess we wouldn't be meeting our other roommate until later.

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