chapter 2

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Picture of Ash!-------------------------->

I drove my new black BMW which was gifted by my parents to work. I had earned myself a job at the book store. It was perfect since i loved reading books. At home i hardly ever had the chance to read since all my time was taken up by Xavier. The pay was good too.

Everything that i owned was paid by my parents likewise everything my son owned was paid by me.

Mom and dad would give him gifts from time to time but other than that it was all me. I was a proud mother of an adorable baby.

"You must be the new employee" a woman standing behind the counter smiled at me.She had long dark hair and a kind smile. 

"Yes, that would be me" i smiled.

"I'm Elle" she offered her hand.

"Ariana, nice to meet you" i said shaking her hand.

"This is your uniform" she said handing me a blue t-shirt that had the store's name printed on the front "You can change at the back"

I thanked her went to change.

"You new in town?' she asked when i got back.

"Yeah" i nodded " Needed a fresh start and Forks seemed like a nice place"

"You mean you actually like rain?" she raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah" i shrugged "I'd choose rain over sun any day.


The rest of the week went awesome. The kids at school were starting to get used to me, atleast they didn't break into hushed whispers everytime they saw me.

 I had Saturday  afternoon off so i decided to spend some time with Xavier. There was a park near my house and i wanted to take Xavier out for a walk.

"lets go sweetheart"

I put him in the baby pram and walked over the park. Alot of people smiled at him and he smiled back. Xavier was the friendliest baby ever. You'd think strangers would frighten him but this boy seemed to be frighteded of nothing at all.

"Ariana?" i heard someone say.

I turned to see Damon smiling at me.

"Damon? is it?" i wasn't really sure if that was his name i had only talked with him once.

He nodded and walked over to take a peek at Xavier who immediately reached out for Damon.

"He looks just like you" Damon was smiling form ear to ear.

"Can hold him?" he asked.

"Sure" it looked as if Xavier wanted the same thing. Strange he was very picky when it came to being held by others. He would smile at everyone but he never liked it whan anyone else other me and my parents  tried to hold him.

Damon gently picked up Xavier and patted him on the back."What's his name?"


"How old is he?" he asked

"Four months"

I smiled they looked so adorable. People passing by thought they were actually father and son.

They would stop and ask questions and Damon was more than happy to answer them as if he really were Xavier's father.

"He seems to really like you" i said.

"I like him too, he reminds me of, well me. Where's his father?" he asked and my face fell.

"He doesnt have a father" i said. Xavier didnt have a father he only had a loving mother and granparents.

Damon did'nt say anything else just kept on making funy faces at Xavier who was giggling.

"I guess we better go now" i said finally.

'B-but i wanted to play with him more" he whined like a little kid.

"You can come over and play with him anytime!" i said.

"Really?" he asked all excited.

"Sure , i mean Xavier seems to really like you" i said smiling at Xavier.

"Awesome but can i walk you guys home?" he asked pleading with his eyes.


He carried Xavier while i pushed the empty pram.

Xavier started to cry when Damon handed him to me and started to leave. So i had to invite him over for dinner.

Mom and dad had gone for a movie so we were home alone.

I left them in the living room while i went into the kitchen to prepare Xavier's milk bottle

I come back to find them playing peek a boo with Xavier seated on the couch.

Damon saw me come in and and said

"Ok little buddy time for dinner" While Xavier drank from the bottle his tiny fingers curled around Damon's little finger.

Damon's lips stretched into a big smile.

"I think he's tired" Damon whispered.

Xavier fell asleep as he finished the bottle.

Damon insisted on carrying him upstairs to his crib beside my bed . I followed after them like worried mother.

"Love you lil buddy" Damon whispered as placed Xavier in his crib.

"You have an amazing son" Damon said as soon as we reached downstairs.

I smiled everyone said that about him.

"Pizza ?" i asked picking up the phone.


All through out dinner Damon asked questions about Xavier. What he liked, what he didn't like, when he slept, How long he slept.

A/N : heyy guys im deleting chap 3 so it can make more sense!

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