The Friend and Protector

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 WELCOME BACK! I'm ready to continue :D thank you for  those who have enjoyed my book so far, and ignored my  bad grammar and typing. IM SURE A LOT OF YOU SEE THIS. "FEWFLJQEFHWBGQFJE;NGQF" XP Enjoy)

              I opened my eyes to the bright sun on my face, and sound of the birds chirping happily from the tree around me.

               I looked around remembering those two wolves from last night. 'Where were they, had they  disappeared, or was I dreaming this whole time after I hit my head?' Shaking my head, I slowly I got on my  palms and groaned at my bottom. 'Hurts so damn bad.'

Looking at my leg it was clean, It looked fresh and pink where the skin was gone. It didn't look infected at least.

              Grabbing the nearest tree I could, I got to my feet and looked around. 'Maybe it really was just a  dream.' I rubbed my forehead and then grumbled a cuss, I had touched the side of my head where I had almost bashed it in last night. Slowly, I started walking home with a limp, the forest live with birds and flowers.

The trees, bushes, streams, and rocks didn't even look scary anymore.

               The wind not as  cold and creepy, and the sweet sound of cars. 'Wait, cars?' I looked around and saw two mustang cars speeding through the woods on a dirt path before  disappearing out of my line of sight. I shook my head, 'a ride to a hospital would of been really nice'. Maybe this dirt road knows the way home. So I walked over to the dirt road path, and slowly walked along it.

              It hurt with my  feet, but my nerves were shaken and numb in them. Walking I saw my  home not far off to my right through the shallow trees. Swallowing in a shaking breath, I  slowly walked over to it. I was surprised I even found my way home.

 Must of run really far last night, right?

               I walked over to the back yard grass, and the glass shards from beer bottles. By the looks of the door of the back porch it looked fixed up a little crookedly. Blood stains on the wood of the stairs, and knife marks within the wood. Walking up them I held the railing before grabbing the handle and halting. 'Please don't be home...' I prayed as I opened the door slowly. To my surprise no one was in the kitchen. 

                I walked  silently shutting the back door gently, then I tip toed a  bit  to the stairs peering up there slightly. 'She must be really pissed of.'  Making my way up on all fours let the weight not make the stairs creek. When I made it to the top I dashed over the soft carpet and into my room, peeping out of the door frame a bit.


                 'She must of gone to work'. Sighing with relief I put a hand over my thrashing heart, then walked over to my dresser and began to grab school cloths. I sat down on my bed and started to strip off my top. I looked at myself and poked my  fat on my stomach, I hated it, but only because that's how people thought of me.

                'Skinny is perfect, skinny is when the hot girls get the hot guys! Blah, blah, BLAH! Its a  dam lie!' I snarled. Grabbing some gauze I started to wrap up my leg, my one arm, and hand too. Then I took off my  bra and wrapped up my  chest to get  my whole back wrapped up from the whip mark that went straight down to my tail bone. I wrapped it around the rest of my stomach till I was at the near end and patted it down under one of the wrappings before I tied it.

'No one will notice much, and if they do, ill say I got in a small accident.'

                 I put on a hoodie and a pair of  jeans, and black shirt to hide some of the bandages. After that I ran downstairs and  put on my sneakers with some trouble. My feet hadn't been wrapped up yet with gauze. 'Dam it, I got to do it quickly though.' So grabbing the last of the roll, lifted my   foot up and wrapped it up tightly.

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