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                                         (The wolves pictures) (Under Editing, ignore  mistakes, I'm sorry if its short  and the song is just something to set the mood, listen to it  whenever you want XD) Hey guys @Blood_Reaper here again i'm kinda slow cuz i'm really busy. So if there are any slow edits blame the work.

I tensed up towards the slam of the front door. "Hey  little Bitch, I  heard  this  morning you were late, huh?"  Oh god no, she's home, and she knows! I shut my drawing booklet and threw away my coloring utensils. She was walking over. (Before she had gotten home I had been drawing on my tablet after finishing homework.)

               My mothers  voice rang in my ears and I  started to shiver and cower as  I turned in my seat, facing her in the kitchen  door way. She had a belt in her  hand, and a sinister look on her face. I felt my body tighten in alarm, my body knew what was coming.

         I yelped as I was thrown down to the floor taking me from my thoughts. I made a silent  groan in my  mind. Trying to get up only to have her foot slam into my rib cage. "I pay a good amount of  money  for your  slutty ass to go to school!!" I felt her  foot collide with  my  side  again hard making making it hard to breath.

She laughed as I heard a loud smack and a numb feeling on my bottom. My butt started to get that stinging  sensation though, that made me meekly cry out.  

            Trying to get up again, I lifted my  body up but she held me  down with her knee on my  back, letting all her  weight onto my  spine. I got a few more slaps of the belt before  I felt her  pull down my bottoms.  I had  no clue  how I was taking all this.  I wouldn't  be able to sit down fully with out it  hurting like a lion was  biting my ass for a whole week.

          I  took in a  harsh breath as I felt her hit me again, and I started to  struggle under her weight. I looked around  frantically before spotting my pencil. I grabbed for my mechanical pencil, my finger tips just  barely touching it though. Seeing my failure, and  gasping in pain my hands tried to grab around and  claw her  knee with my nails,  but I couldn't reach back like that naturally. But just when I lost  hope, my other hand  felt the pencil. My middle finger and index wrapped around it, and pulled it over.

There was relief over my face that I had a plan going.

            Grunting in effort and I saw her  bare foot. I jammed it into her skin till she moved her knee off. The  sound she made was  satisfying and  felt good, yet  I was terrified in my brain too.  " You fucking little shit!" she screamed at me. I felt  the  tears in my eyes as I got to my feet, ignoring the pain.

             My  bottom hurt at the  new position it was in. Tonight I felt like a night free of her wrath, I  just couldn't take  that anymore. "Hey Whore, leaving so  soon?" she said in pain and anger. I  was fumbling with the back door till I felt a slash go across my back and the sound of a shirt tearing. My back stung and I cried out  loud in silent pain. It was the worst feeling ever.

            I  was turned around and  I  got a  good  punch in the  face from her. My nose started to bled and I kicked her away from me. 'Leave m-me alone!' I said to myself. I  curled my  body at the feeling  sting the whip had given me on my back,  but I  didn't fall over as I held the door. I grabbed a knife on the floor and turned around jamming it into her shoulder, her blood leaking from it.

But her  face, it was just...insane. "Little bitch, come here little bitch!" she taunted as she was moving towards me breathing roughly.

        Looking at her was all I  could do, she had a  cynical grin. I widened my eyes, as she  slammed me down, the  door along with it. She just rammed my chest and ribs. The  force shocked me and I felt my air leave my lungs as I hit the  ground, I was bleeding, bruising, and I was still able to get up. Amazing right? I don't know if anyone really  could  manage to get up after that, but my will power was to live. To get away from her, was my only  task right now, and that is exactly what I did!

You're Perfect The Way You AreOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora