"A USB drive?"

"Yes, it just so happens to contain the full, video recording of you talking to _____ about 'big swords'. There's a very important meeting later today, it would be a very simple task to hijack and play my video instead. And, you would humiliated in front of more than just those in the ShinRa building." Genesis smirked from ear to ear. Sephiroth's revenge train hit a penny on the track and completely derailed. He had no idea that Genesis had recorded last week's escapades.

"Well, Commander, a good day to you." The General briskly walked past Genesis, going to who-knows-where.

"Ahh, life is sweet." The Auburn-haired man hummed, strolling down the hallway. Quite enjoying his brief spell of invulnerability.


"Ack! Zack, what did I tell you about surprise hugs?" _____ squeaked as Zack squeezed her tightly.

"Sorry, you were just looking a little down, so I thought that a hug might cheer you up. You're not thinking about what happened between you and Sephiroth, are you?" The spiky-haired second asked his friend, ruffling her hair.

"Yes, I just still can't figure out what he was trying to say." She managed through a giggle as Zack messed with her [H/C] locks.

"Soooo, are you going to the ShinRa meeting tonight?"

"I kinda have to, all ShinRa personal and SOLDIERS have to attend."

"What do you think it's about?" 

"Probably just another silly ceremony for the general and all of his great achievements in Wutai." _____ rolled her eyes dramatically, recalling all of the countless parades, awards ceremonies, and a vast array of other ways ShinRa had managed to congratulate Sephiroth. She hoped the person that had to organize all of those events was getting paid well.

"I don't think they're that silly." Zack chimed in, "Well, maybe if I got an award, they'd be a little less tiring."

"That's just because you want to be recognized, Zack." _____ gently poked his cheek with her index finger. This caused Zack to balloon his cheeks out with air like a puffer fish.

The Second-Class female couldn't help but find this hilarious and burst out into laughter.

"Geez, it wasn't that funny." The spiky-haired second chortled, nudging her in the ribs.

"But, I mean, you really do look a bit like a puffer fish when you do that! Complete with spines that penetrate anything it comes into contact with!"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 26, 2016 ⏰

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