Holding out my hand as if presenting something, I said almost cheerfully,

"Behold!~ A rookie model AKA Kise Ryota, experiencing the frightening beasts known as fangirls~."

Most of the students sweat-dropped while some of them started laughing at my somewhat lame attack on making the awkward scene a comedy show of everyday normal life.

I was amused in a way.

Setting back on track, I only took a few steps before tornado #2 crashed into me..

Only this time, I seriously didn't know this probably-in-late-20's-brown-haired-woman who was for some disturbing reason pinning me after rudely crashing into me.
So this is what they call a pedophile. Good to know.
Her staring is seriously getting disturbing...
OK, I know I'm amazingly good-looking, but this woman is seriously starting to creep me out.
Finally, she came back down to earth from her pedophile dream world and squealed loudly.


....I think.

I sighed. And even after all this, I still haven't lost my composure and calm.

Flicking the woman in the forehead, knowing it would calm her down a bit. I  stood up and dusted myself before offering a hand to help the brown-haired woman up.

"...Now, can you tell me calmly why you screamed out 'you're perfect,' Miss?" I asked, still holding out my hand.

Instead of taking it, she cupped my hand with her hands and stared at me with a slightly smug smile.

"I want you to sign a contract with me allowing you to work in my company as a model!"


I blame it all on my looks.

I looked around to see if there're were any signs of her before noticing something shiny on the ground.

I love shiny, pretty, and beautiful things.

I jumped back down, not sensing her presence anymore as I picked up the shiny thing before sighing in disappointment.

It seems that the hyper woman dropped her business card (whether on purpose or accident, I shall never know).

Flipping over the card, I read 'Ms. Eri of BUDDY☆modeling agency.'

I slipped the card into my pocket before finally reaching my destination for lunch.

Because of all the wasted time, I only had about 25 minutes before lunch break ended. Again, blaming it on looks.

I opened my bento which miraculously did not spill during the presence of tornado #1 and tornado #2.

I mentally smiled at the somewhat large bento which I made myself. While it might sound arrogant, I personally think my cooking is seriously the best.

My bento had 2 rice balls, a crispy and still warm tonkatsu with seasoned rice on the side, a container of homemade miso soup, some octopus wieners, a tamago roll, and cold bottled ice water for the drink.

I also made separately, 2 ham/mayo/lettuce sandwiches and 3 cheeseburgers. And a bag of lollipops for dessert.


Hey, I might be reincarnated, but I still have the original Kagami Taiga's instinct to eat inhuman amounts of food. At least I can control my level of eating to where it is somewhat acceptable.

Leaning against the tree, I ate my lunch while looking up some info on my tablet.

"BUDDY☆Modeling agency?" Sara popped out of nowhere and landed on my shoulders as she read what I searched up.

Already finished with lunch (I'm aware thatthe speed is unnatural, thank you very much) my mouth quirked up into a small smirk as my eyes read and absorbed the new information at a godly speed.

"Hmm....Apparently, this Miss Eri is also the manager of the newly uprising rookie model, Kise Ryota. What a scary coincidence."

"Why don't you take the job? This might help you get closer to Kise. It might be fun." Sara suggested.

"...I would if it was just that, but...." I trailed off.

"But?" Sara pressed.

I think the answer should be pretty obvious.

"...Did you see those beasts (fangirls) chase after that poor blond sacrifice (Kise)?"

"...good point."

I started packing up. Lunch was going to end soon, and if I remember correctly, my next class is with the famous ace player and manager of the GoM. Lucky me.

"Anyway, from the way everything is happening from my point of view, I'm going to be a little too busy to worry about a job." I concluded with my fedora shadowing my eyes slightly as I watched the giant school building known as Teiko Middle School.

The school where it all started.



"Eri Wakabe. 28 soon to be 29, manager of rookie model Kise Ryota, and is the niece of the owner of the BUDDY☆Modeling agency...She's-" I stopped reading off the tablet for one moment in slight shock.

Sara looked up at me with curiosity. "What?"

"...Figured." I muttered before snickering a little.

"WHAT?" Sara asked again, growing impatient.

I stopped snickering, already bored of whatever made me laugh and looked and Sara with a slightly bored expression.
"...She's unmarried."
"...For some reason, I feel like you somehow have a innocent, weird, yet sadistic sense of humor." Sara said dryly.

"Thank you."

"...That wasn't a compliment."


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Until the next chapter~🙇

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