Ch 1~ My life. Pitiful and exciting. Still pitiful.

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Kagami's POV:

"You are evil, do you know that?" I asked with a annoyed deapanned expression at my so called 'guardian angel.' I guess the rumours were false about angels being, well angels. More like a wolf hiding in a sheep's clothing if you asked me.

"Whaaaaat?~ Just because I put at least one or two Generation of Miracles in all your classes your now classifying me as evil?" My face lit up as if I realized something important. "Correction: I already knew you were evil from the moment I met you. Better?"

I turned around to ignore my Sara's whining. Already memorizing my classes I walked away from the board where students were crowded by. 

Putting on a new song on my ipod I explored the school since homeroom would start in about 20 minutes. I made note of the spots that I wanted to come back or would probably come more often, like the rooftop (I was thinking of maybe asking the school if I could start a mini garden there) and a large solo tree that for some reason was separated  from the rest of the smaller trees.

"So, are you planning to join the basketball club?" Sara suddenly appeared as asked me while I was lying down on some branch of the lonesome tree. I was playing with a squirrel who happened to live on the lone tree, the squirrel kept trying to grab or lick my finger while I was gently dodging all his attempts. (A/N: In case you don't remember reader-san, Kagami now has a close connection with nature, somewhat supernatural I know.)

I took a moment before replying. "While I know my basketball skills are not normal-" "You're skills are on somewhat of a higher level then the other Miracles right now. You're really not considered normal you know." Sara interrupted and informed me.

I kind of figured that out when I was 8...


A basketball rolled and stopped near my feet. I picked it up and looked at a small group of high schoolers waving at me. "Oi! Sorry kid, that belongs to us! Can you pass it back please?" One of them yelled with a apologetic smile.

"New mission. Shoot the basketball into the hoop." Sara suddenly showed up and demanded. I gave her a small side glance filled with slight disbelief. "Hate to break it to you, but that hoop is like 58 feet away, that's like 11 feet behind the half line in an Olympic basketball gym."

Then Sara gave me that scary look no angel should have. "IF YOU DON'T DO IT I WILL HAUNT YOU FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE." I winced and felt scared while I was cursing these weak child hormones.

"Fine. But I warned you. Prepare to have the laugh or deadpan of your life." I went into a shooting form and aimed. Then I shot.


Making the ball not go into a high arc, instead zip through the air like Kuroko did a cyclone pass in the air. Then it stopped right over the hoop and fell in gently.

"..." The highschoolers were silent in shock while I immediately followed my instinct and ran. "Wasn't that awesome?! And that was your first try! You really are a genius!" Sara laughed while I ran, not knowing that the civilians I passed were wondering what the heck of a whirlwind just passed them.

"Even Midorima didn't shoot that far from behind half line until highschool! And I, a 8 year old child just did that?! Are you nuts? Just what kind of crazy basketball powers did you give me?" I yelled at her.

"Quite crazy ones..." Sara mumbled when I stopped before I fell of an edge of a cliff and into the ocean. I sighed as I regained my composure. I turned around and squinted my eyes.

Kuroko no Basket: In KnB reincarnated as Kagami?!Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant