Chapter 4

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I hear a knock at my door. I open it and see a servant with a tray of breakfast. The girl must be around my age. Her dirty blonde hair is very thin and so is she. She has a simple outfit of a dress and an apron. Her eyes are a faded green.

"May I bring this in?" She asks.

"Of course." I say. I move so she can pass. She comes in and places it on the bed. It's eggs, bacon, toast, berries, an apple, and orange juice.

"Thank you." I say.

"Can I get your outfit out for you ma'am?"

"If you would like."

"O ma'am it's not my decision."

"Yes please then." I go over and close the door. I go to the girl, who is picking out an outfit from the dresser.

"How long since you have gotten food?" I whisper to her. She looks scared, then answers

"I only get a few pieces of bread everyday." She whispers.

"Would you like to have something?"

"I would, but I don't want to get you in trouble, or you'll be just like me."

"What do you mean?"

"I'm the last girl, before you. I want you to be safe. I wouldn't wish this to befall on you."

"I don't care. Have a few berries or some eggs."

"Thank you ma'am." She smiles.

"What's your name?"


"Go eat. I'll pick out an outfit."

"Thank you so much miss."

"Call me Max" she nods and runs over to the food. She takes the berries and eats them. I look though the closet. I choose a green, long sleeve dress that is relatively simple. It goes along with a green and sliver cloak and silver flats. No way am I gonna wear heels. No way. No how. I see that Harriet has eaten all the berries and the apple, which I have no problem with. I couldn't eat all of it.

"Thank you so much." She says.

"You can have more." I urge. She says no.

"I'll do your hair when you're ready mi- I mean Max." She smiles.

"Ok. Let me eat this and get changed." I eat and she asks me questions. Like how the world is now. I tell her somethings, but nothing has changed in the five years she's been away. She tells me her story. She was picking some flowers for her house, when bandits came out and kidnapped her. She was her and unset Aaron by yelling at him. He kept her as a servant, but she feels more like a slave.

"You live in one of the older villages?" I ask.

"Yes. We didn't even have cars." She replies. I should explain. Every city or village has a different level of technology. It depends on your job. My dad is in the government and my mom is a doctor, so my sister and I live in a city that has cars. We have skyscrapers and what not. There used to be electronics, but most of them where removed. The government has some for emergencies. I don't remember them, but my parents do. A new order, more like a reform, came and changed a lot of things. If you have a lower job, like a farmer or a carpenter, you live in a village. You get dresses and medieval times stuff. Women have a lower status there. In a city, we dress more modern and women can have big jobs. The whole world is run by a king, with a mayor he assigns for every city and village. Bandits are just like the 'misfits' as many call them that. They kill and steal, which is uncommon in our world. As you can tell, they too are more medieval.

"Ok. Let me get changed. Then, you can do my hair." I tell her.

"Ok Max. This has been fun." She smiles at me.

"Yes. I can't wait to hear more about you."

"Same here." I go take the dress and change behind the divider. I come out and Harriet gasps.

"Beautiful. I remember when I got these dresses. I would love to burn them." She says.

"That bad?" I ask.

"Especially the Prince. Watch his eyes. "

"I figured he was like that." We walk to the bathroom so she can do my hair. We talk while she does it

"Do you want to escape?" I ask.

"More than anything." She says.

"Me as well. I things I miss and I can't live without."

"What things?"

"Just one. But that's a story for a sadder time." I don't know if I can completely trust her.

"Save it then. How do you like your hair?" She's put in a a bun with braids.

"I love it. Thank you!" I exclaim.

"It's my job!" She blushes.

"You're good at it. Thank you!"

"I should go. I don't want to be here when he's here."

"I understand. I wish you could be here longer."

"Me too. Bye Max!" She hugs me.

"Bye Harriet." I hug her back. "Now I know I have a friend here."

"Same here. See you tomorrow!" She lets go, grabs the tray of food and leaves. I put on the green cloak and wait for 'Prince' Aaron. He comes in five minutes.

"Hello, my love." He says when I open the door. I bow down.

"Good morning Prince Aaron." I say. I put on my hood.

"Ready my love?" He puts out his arm.

"Yes." I take it. We walk off.

"I want to let you outside, but I don't trust you."

"Well, I'm not a dog, so you can let me out."

"But can I trust you?"

"Yes. I'm in a dress. If I do run, I can't get far."

"True. I think the library shall do for today. What do you like to read?"


"Let's pick out a book." He takes me to the library. We go down many rows of books until we reach the fantasy part.

"Which one sounds the best?" He asks. I reach out for a book about a time traveling man, with a blue box.

"This one." I say.

"Sounds interesting." He takes me away from the library, but I keep the book. He takes me to his room.

"Come on in doll." He says. He lets go and goes in.

"I'll pass." I say, clutching the book like it's my savor.

"Don't make me pull you in." He laughs. I see Harriet down the hall. She urges me to go in using her eyes. I return it back with a don't make me! She gives me the look again, but more angry. I nod and go in. His room is bigger than mine. It has a fireplace, a few chairs, and it's red. He closes the door and pins me against the wall. I tense up, still holding the book. Help help help!!!!

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