"Please take care of us," Naomi and Cosette said in unison, bowing respectfully as well.

"W-will do, ahaha..." Yume cleared her throat. "So, alright... you two, in the story, are basically fighting over the same guy you like, right? Have you me---"

The door swung open.

"Have you seen Kaito-sensei or Akiyama-sensei anywhere?!" said an out of breath Ayame. "Oh! Hi, Cosette-tan, Naomi-tan!"

"Ayame-chan! What's wrong?" Naomi frowned, as Yume was too stunned at the sudden entrance to speak.

"Himori-kun had a family emergency to attend to, apparently his mother currently has cancer, and the situation got worse. But the thing is, Imari-kun, his understudy, wasn't able to make it here in the first place. We though we'd be okay without him, so we didn't force anything out. But now we need him, and he's all the way back in Nekoma, and we don't have any extra transportation, and he wouldn't get here on time anyway, and have to get this production done in a week, and---"

"Ayame-chan! Breathe!"

"Seira met Himori-kun on his way out of the gates, she told me to go and tell the advisors. Have you seen them anywhere?"

Cosette tilted her head. "Himori-san... as in... Himori...Kiyoshi-san? Isn't he..."

"Marius!" Yume's eyes widened. "Your love interest! He's a crucial character to the plot!"

"Exactly!" Ayame cried. "We need to find a substitution who's already here."

"...can't we use the understudy for one of---" Cosette began.

"No can do," Ayame immediately shook her head. "The only male characters left that can be possibly portrayed by a young student, are Courfeyrac and Enjolras, but one understudy called in sick and couldn't make it either, and the other one, well..." her voice trailed off. "Ah, I suppose he'll be alright with it."

"Which I kind of doubt," Seira appeared behind Ayame, her arms crossed. "Furuse-san isn't exactly the type that would work for Marius. But, if we have no other option, then, he'll have to do."

"What's the big crowd here?" came a familliar voice.

Ayame and Seira turned around. "Akiyama-sensei!"

"S-sensei! Himo--"

"Himori Kiyoshi? Yes, I know. He left." the music club advisor sighed. "And no, Furuse-san isn't up for it, I already know."

"I don't see why not!" Naomi frowned a little. "Marius is one of the important characters. It could---"

"I don't know why either, but he flat out said during his audition that he would never take the role of Marius, final."


"He hates the character."

There was a short pause, and Yume spoke up. "W-well... doesn't that mean..."

"Yeah. If it doesn't work out," Naomi frowned, "we'll have to ask someone from..."

"...the volleyball teams," Cosette finished quietly.

"And they seem so focused on their matches," Ayame sighed. "I'd hate to pull out someone from there..."

"Well, it's our only choice if we want to start today. Any preferences?" Akiyama-sensei asked.

Kenma already knows the plot... but I don't think he'd be up for acting, and I don't know if he can sing... Cosette's thoughts trailed off.

"Well..." Seira eyed the two female leads. "I think I might actually have a hunch who would be perfect for that role."

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