The Paper...holds a clue

Start from the beginning

Everyone was gaping at her. She is new to the team. They have never heard me giving them instructions like that. We casually interacting with each other. And judging by the looks on their faces, she must have understood by now that they must be unaware of what transpired yesterday. Some kind of explanation should fix their communication gap for now.

"Sasha said that she doesn't have an idea about Veronica's work. That's a plain lie."

Everyone nodded in agreement and left the office.

"So what am I supposed to do?"

She gave me a skeptical look.

 "Were you seriously asking for your share of work. You must have taken this is in a wrong way. I am not trying to show off any authority here. I am not ordering people around Danny. Take a look at it."

"What is this?"

She handed me a small box in which a rectangular...Oh my God! How did she??

"Where did you get this? And why is there only a part of it?"

"I got it from a trusted source. We have to find the other part."

"What are you hiding? Who is the trusted source?"

"I told you all you have to know"

"It is Loca! Isn't he?"

"Why would you think so?"

"Why not? He was one of the two people you interrogated yesterday."


"He is a close friend of Veronica. She must have left it with him!"

"You are wrong and it doesn't matter anymore"

He was annoyed that she was hiding something. She was not trusting him enough. How are they going to solve a case together? For time being, he tried to hold on.

"If she hid it in separate places, then there must be a way to get to it."

"The paper"


"The paper which was found at the crime scene."

"The Code?"

"Can you show it to me?"

"Wait a minute"

I picked up the phone and called Maria and asked her to bring the evidence.

Maria agreed and got the paper which was kept in a plastic cover.

She carefully handed it to Angy and left.

"Maria, did you send this paper to forensics?"

Maria stopped at the door and answered.

"Yes, Angel"

"Whose fingerprints were found on it?"




She nodded at me and left the office.

"What is it Angel?"

"If there is any way that Verni is going to leave a clue to me, then that would be this paper"

She thought it out loud.

I was surprised. So, there was something that I did not know.

"Why would Veronica leave a clue to you?"

Realizing what she just did, she looked at me guilt evident in her eyes.

"I said it out loud. Din't I?"

I nodded.

She sighed and said in a lower voice.

"I will tell you once I come to know. I just have this feeling that Verni wants me to find the second piece which would lead me to the truth."

I lost it now. She would not trust me at any cost. And I can't lead an investigation with half known truths.

"So, you and your dead friend are playing a game."

Angel got up and looked at me dead in the eye.

"Calm down Danny! Why don't you just follow the lead which I gave you? Please remember that you din't even have this clue a while back."

Daniel thought about it. If she showed this piece to him and asked for his help, then she had put some trust in him. He was not supposed to lose his control over his personal feelings.

But all night, he could not get over the feeling that Angy was in the same town and not with him. He thought he had moved on but there were still feelings for her. So, at around 10pm, he went to Angy's house but could not muster courage to knock her door. Instead he stood there for what felt like hours and then came back.

While going to his home, he had to pass through veronica's house and was surprised to see lights in the front room.

He went up to the window and looked inside through the glass.

To his surprise, there was no burglar, but his sweet Angel was thinking about something and then fell asleep on the couch. He checked the alarm of the house and after making sure that the doors were locked, went back to his house.

Now, she was sitting here staring at him.

"Don't just stare at me Danny. Say something. Will you help me or not?"

"I will"

"Then get up. We have to go to my cabin."


Somewhere in the other part of town.

He pressed the call button and waited for him to pick the call.


"Hi" the voice on the other side said.

"Just making sure you did not hurt yourself."

There was a long pause.

"How are things going on in town?

"A new officer joined to investigate."

"Who is it?"

"I did not call you to bother you for such a trivial thing. Take care."


The line went dead. He hung up. 'If only he did not love her.................'

Lets read further and find out who the mysterious person is!! ehh ;)

And Will Daniel be overcome his insecurity towards Angel.

What is Angel hiding anyway!!

Hope you are having a good time.

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