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September 8,  2015

Recently, my dad,  who has been gone ever since Destiny died, has suddenly appeared back into my life and I guess I'm OK with that. Also,  since Járaì and I are really close friends,  my dad adopted her and her brother,  Kaylib.   We still haven't found out who killed my mother,  though.

"Hey,  Death?"
"Yeah,  Dad?" I say as I sketch the Resistance album design.
"What would you say if I said we could just pack up and move to Dallas?"
"I would fangirl and say that 'that is where Crown the Empire originated'." I stop and look up at him he looks at me and smiles.
"No way." I respond with a straight face. He's gotta be kidding me!  Living in Dallas? With a Crown the Empire concert on my birthday,  which is 5 months away?...what's he planning?...
"Yes, way and I got all three of you tickets to that Crown the Empire concert." I ditch my sketchbook to jump up and hug him.
"Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU!!!" I scream in his ear.
"You're welcome. Now,  today,  we'll start packing then in about a week we should be done packing. While we're packing I'll look for a place for us to live."
"Okay,  Járaì and Kaylib are coming with us, right?" He looks at me with a stupid face.  I'm still smiling then realize what just happened.
"Oh,  duh. " Please attach palm to face now. 


A 'Welcome to Dallas' sign is displayed on the side of road.  Járaì and I are sitting in the back seat of the U-Haul while Kaylib is passed out in the front seat.  A few straight hours of just driving will do that to a person.
I catch a sight of an In N Out in the corner of my eye.  I turn to get a better look and squeal making Kaylib wake up,  smacking Dad in the arm in the process. I turn back and snicker to myself.  He glares at me.
"Love you,  Kay." I smile innocently.
"We're here!"  I yell as I grab my bag and rush out of the door,  not even waiting for the truck to shut off.

My new room is perfect.  There's a big closet and book stand built into a wall.  I'm already picturing where I'll put all my posters. And my little wicker shelves can go in the corner...I like this house already.

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