CHAPTER 1: A New Beginning

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Suddenly, something made a beeping sound. She took a beeper from her pocket and her eyes widened. "Shoot! I have to go." She said.

She turned around to leave when the boy yelled at her. "Echizen Ryoma!" He shouted.

"What?" She shouted back. "Ore no namae wa Echizen Ryoma! (My name is Echizen Ryoma!)" He yelled in Japanese. The boy must've noticed that she was also Japanese.

"Fujioka Ryouko!" She yelled back at him. She smiled and waved goodbye before running in the opposite direction.


Ryouko stirred as someone nudge her on the shoulder. She cracked open one eye and saw her butler, Licht, trying to wake her up.

"Ojou-sama... (Young Miss)" Licht said. "We will be landing at Haneda Airport in fifteen minutes."

She yawned and rubbed her eyes. Oh, yes... She remembered. She was on a plane to Japan. "Nihon... (Japan...)" She muttered under her breath as she looked down from the window, seeing the familiar shape of the country below.

"How many years had it been since you stepped in your home country, Ojou-sama?" Licht asked.

"Mousugu ju nen..." (Almost ten years...) Ryouko answered. She was a baby when she was raised in the Fujioka Mansion before her parents decided to live abroad.

Strictly speaking, she was merely a toddler the last time she was in Japan. She had never seen nor walked upon the soil of this country even though a large part of her is Japanese.

"What's the name of the school again?" Ryouko asked.

"Seishun Gakuen," Licht answered. "It's the junior high school that won this year's national tennis tournament." He added.

"Hmmm..." Ryouko mumbled a bit impressed.

Whether she will be well-taken in that school or not, Ryouko wished to make the most of it. After all, it's the place where that man studied tennis. "Ano kuso Jiji." (That damn old man.), as she called him.

"After we unload your baggage, do you want to rest in a hotel first? I was notified that the renovation of the mansion will take a few more hours." Licht told her.

"No. I'd rather not rest. Let's stop by the school so I can take the entrance examination earlier." She replied.

"Yes, Ojou-sama," Licht answered and bowed his head before excusing himself.

Ryouko continued to gaze out of the plane window with her chin resting on her hand. She had a nostalgic dream. Come to think of it, this year's US Open... She paused and thought. She only heard of it but it seems that he participated in it.

Ryouko narrowed her eyes. She won't be beaten. She too had already participated in a Grand Slam.

Putting thoughts of him aside, Ryouko anticipated her arrival in Seishun Academy. The fact that they are national champions meant that a lot of strong players are there. She smiled.

"Omoshiro-souda..." (It's going to be interesting...)

"Licht, get me change of clothes." She instructed.

"Yes, Ojou-sama," Licht said and returned after a few minutes, brandishing a frilled blouse and a short skirt in her face.

Ryouko raised one eyebrow. "Comfortable ones." She said.

Licht sighed and went to fetch another outfit.

"How about this, Ojou-sama?" Licht asked, holding a patterned shirt and jersey shorts.

Tennis no Ojou-sama: A Prince of Tennis Fan FictionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora