Living A Lie -Prologue

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Sometimes the dream is so realistic, it's as if i'm looking in through the window at the family. They are in the sitting room. The mum has her head down, hands clasped in her lap, obviously distressed. Dad is pacing the room, back and forth with such intensity, the atmosphere must be deadly. Then there is the teenage girl, daughter obviously, her back is straight, but she is not confident. Her arms are wrapped around her body and her facial expression says it all. Nervous, petrified, confused !

Flash forward to another scene and the aural aspect is vivid, there is now sound to accompany my viewing. A baby screaming, the screams pierce through my body and I wake up in a cold sweat, heart thumping loudly. Its not long before I'm back in my subconscious. The baby is not alone, she is in the mum's arm. The distressed mum. The mum stares in to space as the baby continues to scream below her gaze. The scream goes on and on and I snap awake.

This happens almost every night for the past 13 years, diffrent dreams, but often the same if not simillar.  I get so worried that all the negativity in my subconscious is trying to warn me about my life in the conscious. So I grab my phone in a frenzy and I call her. I call my ...

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