Chapter VI

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Then all of a sudden I woke up on my bed. I looked around the house and my parents were in the living room and everything was perfect. I was very confused and didn't know what to say. After that I started to think about God and what happened in my dream. I then found myself on my knees crying and repenting to God. Then my heart felt this sensation and I felt good and happy like my whole body changed. I ran into the living room and bent on my knees crying asking my parents to forgive me. My mom started crying and my dad smiled, that w as the first time I saw my dad smile at me in a long time. They forgave me and hugged me and I asked if I could go to drake 's house. When I got there and I came in drake said " So, you here to complain about my God." I said " No I am here to praise your God." And he gave my a huge smile. He ran and told his parents and they were excited to finally have me with my faith. Then at school the kids I used to bully came to me frighten but I told them, " Do not be afraid for I love the Lord you serve!" When Sabbath came I dressed presentable and was ready to go to church. While we were in the church people were surprised to see me and they all stared and some clapped. A few Sabbaths after that, the church asked me to tell the congregation why I came back to the church. I told them the dream or vision I had and everyone was amazed.

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