Chapter I

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"Guys let's go we are going to be late!" My mom would yell early Sabbath. " I'm not going." I would protest. Then I would jump out of my window and run to the little forest we had in our huge backyard. " What are we going to do with him?" My mom would say to my dad. My dad would shake his head.
Then after the service they would come home and I watched to see if they were here so I could know that Drake was here. After that I would run to Drakes house and he would always blab about how good the sermon was. He would always ask me to come, but of course I am not going to some old stinky church. After this so called Sabbath was over we would play video games and play football. It was so annoying how he would talk about all this stuff about "God".
When I would finally come home I got scolded and I really didn't care. I would just eat and go to bed. "Whoever this God they speak of he doesn't care about me" I would think. After school when my parents did their bible study I would just slam my door and just do homework. Yeah I got in lots of trouble sometimes but they can't force me to believe anything. After spending time with Drake I would go through the same routine everyday. Then I found a piece of paper stating a bible verse talking about people perishing and I just balled it up and threw it away. Like I said my parents can't force any religion on me.
Oh how I hated Sabbath, in the city where I lived when Sabbath comes everything is about God. I wished I could pack my stuff and go away. At school people were also seventh day Adventist and I used to bully them. I'd say "If your God loved you he would save you from this punch."
Yeah I was a mean person but I didn't care. I liked getting on punishment because then I had time for myself. Drake and I were unequal yoked but we still hanged out and I would just ignore him when he talked about his "God". Ooo how I hated that word.

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