Chapter 7: Say Goodbye, Say Hello

Start from the beginning

A smirk comes to my face as I realize that I had finally got Ulquiorra to his snapping point. “You’re starting to anger me.” He states plainly, tightening his grip on my throat.

“So this is how you treat your prisoners? Kinky.” I laugh despite my lack of air. Ulquiorra glares at me harshly before dropping me down.

“Let’s go.” With that, Ulquiorra waltzes out of the room, leaving me alone with Grimmjow.

“Time to go, darling.” I mutter to Grimmjow who just smirks.

“Pet names, really?” Shrugging, I walk in the direction that Ulquiorra went. Grimmjow sighs and follows after me.

We walk into the living room only to be greeted by a large black hole. “What’s that?” I ask, nodding towards the pulsing hole in the middle of the room.

“Doorway to Hueco Mundo.” Halibel states as she walks into the room.

“Fun.” I mutter under my breath, scanning my eyes over the black mass. Halibel just nods slightly and walks into the portal, disappearing into the darkness. “Let’s get this over with.” From behind me I hear Grimmjow snort before he grabs my wrist and pulls me into the portal with him.

As the portal was closing behind us, I turn to Grimmjow. “Why didn’t you just snatch me up and force me to come here in the first place? Why go through all the effort of telling me you were taking me?”

“We had to make sure you were the right one. Lord Aizen never told us a name, so we had to go on your spiritual signature.” Grimmjow explains just as the portal opens back up again.

Stepping out, I look around and see we ended up in a large and endless white hallway. My eyes flash back to the spot in front of us, seeing a set of giant, white doors. Ulquiorra and Halibel were standing outside of them, waiting for us.

Someone must have been alerted to our presence because moments later, the doors swing open, showcasing a throne room inside.

At the head of the room was a throne, with a man sitting on it; his brown hair slicked back and a cocky grin adorning his lips.

“Ah, you’ve finally arrived.” The man states, his grin spreading wider.

“She wasn’t the easiest thing to obtain.” Ulquiorra replies calmly as we walk closer to the throne.

“I’m not a thing.” I mumble, glaring daggers at the back of Ulquiorra’s head.

“Come forward, my dear.” The man on the throne instructs, motioning me forward with a wave of his hand. Hesitantly, I take the few remaining steps forward. “I presume you are Kira?”

“Yes, and you are?” I ask, my eyes meeting with his, instantly sending shivers down my spine. There was something about him that was off, yet I felt like I had met him before.

“Sosuke Aizen. It is nice to officially meet you, and I truly hope that you will enjoy your new home.” Aizen smiles brightly. Aizen…. Was he the same one from the Soul Society?

Getting tired of this chit chat, I get straight to the point. “So why I am here?”

“Straight to business, I like it.” Aizen nods. “You’re here because I need you in the upcoming war. I feel that you will be a great piece to my collection. A tip of the scale in my favour, in simpler terms.”

“So, I’m just a tool to help you win a fight? Couldn’t you have found someone else more suited for the job?”

“Kira, Kira. You don’t seem to understand. You are a very special young woman and you’re just the person I am looking for in my army.” Aizen explains before clapping his hands. “Now, would you please show me a demonstration of your reiatsu? I can’t get a good look at it, for you seem to be hiding it.”

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