Chapter 2

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Once I'm in the safety of my car I burst into tears. I came close to dying today. I could have been like one of those walking corpses.

No, I wouldn't have let that happen. I would end it before it came to that. There is no way I would let myself become one.

Once my tears stop flowing, I wipe my eyes and start the car. As I drive back I notice walkers dead on the streets. I didn't notice them before.

I quickly make my way back to what I call home. I park the car and sigh. I'm gonna have to lug back a box full of food. Thankfully I have enough sunlight to get back.

I make sure everything I need is in the box. Then I head back. Surprisingly my walk through the woods is walker free. I get to my sound wire just as the sun is setting. Can't believe I've been gone all day.

I go into the clearing and head toward my tree. I hear my sound wire slightly jangle behind me. I shake it off thinking it's just the wind, but then I hear a twig snap. It is most definitely not the wind.

As quick as I can, I drop my box and whip around, pulling the gun from the holster on my waist.

A man stands before me. He's rugged, with brown hair and a scruffy beard. He looks as if he hasn't washed in weeks, maybe months, and in this society, I would believe it. Though, he is quite attractive in a rugged badass kind of way. He has a crossbow aimed at me, which notched down the hot points.

"I'm a really good shot, so don't try anything." I warn.

"Me too, sweetheart." He responds. His voice is grumbly and rough, I wouldn't expect less. I assess my situation. As far as I can see all he has is his crossbow and a knife sheathed on his side.

As for me I have a knife in both I my boots, an arrow in my right boot, a machete on my side, a knife on my leg and a gun in my hand.

"Come back for this?" I bend down slowly and pull the arrow from my boot. He stays silent. "Thanks for saving me, by the way." I add as I hold out the arrow.

"You git bit?" He eyes me. "It looked like you did."

"Aw, come to check on me? How sweet." I roll my eyes. He glares at me. "No, I didn't get bit, teeth didn't even go through the strap." I gesture to my book bag strap.

He quickly comes forward and grabs the arrow from me. He steps back and re-aims the crossbow.

"Look dude," I start. "I don't want any trouble, I'm just trying to survive. If you're gonna take my crap, please don't take everything. I'm just trying to survive, just like you."

"I don't want your food." He glances around.

"Daryl," a male voice calls. Another man walks out from the trees. He sees me and pauses.

"So you're here to ambush me." I sigh.

"No, of course not," the second man scoffs. "I'm Rick, that's Daryl. We're survivors." He introduces.

"Yeah, I'm Chelsey, pleasure to meet you." I sneer.

"Look, we mean you no harm. We just wanted to meet you is all." Rick holds his hands up. Daryl drops his bow and steps back.

"No offense, but I'm keeping my gun up." I shrug.

"Okay, understandable." Rick nods.

"So if you don't want my food, what do you want?" I glance around. No one else appears to be showing up, so it must be just them.

"My group and I, we got run out of our home. We are traveling to look for a safe place. We saw you and thought we could help each other out." Rick explains.

"Whatever you're selling I'm not buying. I've survived well enough on my own. I don't need help from strangers." I keep my gun trained on them.

"If it weren't for me, you would have died in that place today. So you may have survived so far, but let me tell you, today you didn't do it alone." Daryl growls. He seems agitated.

"Look," Rick steps forward. "We have kids in our group, a baby. We just need somewhere safe to stay. This seems pretty safe. We just need a night or two before we get back on our feet."

Dammit, he had to say there were kids.

"Fine, but only a couple nights. I swear I you kill me, I will come back to kill your asses." I shove my gum back in the holster.

"Thank you," Rick nods. He turns to Daryl. "I'm gonna get the rest of the group, you can stay here." Rick leaves, disappearing into the trees.

I turn and grab my box from the ground, making sure to look out for Daryl. I still don't quite trust him. I make my way over to my tree and pull out a hidden rope. The rope is attached to a pulley system they helps my get supplies to my tree house.

I let the wooden box come down and I pack my things into it. Then I climb up, using branches and strategically placed footholds to make my way up. Once I'm up, I pull the rope, bring my supplies up.

I hop back down once I'm finished.

Daryl is still in the same spot, scanning the tree line. I sit not far from him, with a book I've read a dozen times.

"How many walkers have you killed?" He says suddenly. I put my book down on the gras beside me.

"What kind of question is that?" I inquire.

"Just answer it." He shakes his head.

"I don't fucking know. Does anyone really keep count on how many of those fuckers they kill?" I eye him.

"You go quite a mouth on you." He chuckles. I roll my eyes.

"Yeah, well, growing up with strict parents kinda makes you go a little crazy with freedom." I grumble. It's hard to imagine time before the dead.

"How many people have you killed?" He asks.

"Three," I respond with a sigh.


"The first was an accident, I was driving away when this all started and a person jumped out in front of my car. The second, was my mother. She got bit, and when we realized the bite is what made people turn, well, she asked me to kill her." He turns to look at me.

"The third one, I didn't mean for it to happen. It was all in me. It was me and my best friend. We were looking for food. I didn't check the alley as we passed, and a walker reached out to grab her. Another came too. I froze and I couldn't help her. I watched as those monsters ate her. I blame myself everyday."

"It ain't your fault." Daryl tries to comfort me. I say nothing and continue to sit there.

Moments later the sound wore jangles. We both jump to alert, he holds up his bow, me my gun.

We can faintly hear the walkers noisily breathing.

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