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Everyday I put on a mask'

it hurts to know people believe it

it hurts to think they don't know me

They think i'm happy but I feel heartbroken

They tease me and wonder how I take it with a straight face.

Call me a psychopath and I smile.

It is a wonder I  don't self harm.

Every time I look on from the distance

trapped beneath layers of fake skin.

shivering with sadness from within

hopeless yet cannot cry out to someone

I can cry myself to sleep

I can try to soothe myself but

what happens when people think you weirder 

because the thing that keeps you sane

is something they don't understand.

Something they can't comprehend

How they can't fathom the depths 

of my love for Korea.

How just hearing the name gives me a glow

how I step out of my shell

How I can behave like a person 

How I can fangirl and do the things others do.

But after that short moment.

How it goes away so quickly

and I am drawn to the real world.

That leaves me longing for Korea.

Longing for warmth, for love.

My shell looms again towering over my bravery 

I have to go now

See you next Korea.

Anthology Of Precious- Poems♡♡Where stories live. Discover now