Your happiness, my nightmare

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what happens when your'e left alone,
when everything you had or wanted disappears,
and the after taste of betrayal tastes bitter sweet on you hard bitten lips,
when you throw everything you had for one thing;
and get left with an enormous O in your life.
when you are abandoned to roam around in the darkness,
with no one nearby for you to cry to for help .
your voice stuck in your heart,
buried so deep you become mute,
and time changes your beautiful appearances,
for a stone faced one with no emotions.
wandering the earth with only memories,
of something so faded it seems like an impossible dream.
you, crying yourself to sleep every night,
and what people call a happy dream you call a thunderous nightmare.
you become outcast so much you forget yourself,
your present, your past, your future and destiny.
you become like me.
Evarlyne Aeneist .

P/s my name is not Evarlyne

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