Chapter 6 Secrets Revealed

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  • Ajánlott Delaney Blackburn my BFF

4 days ago.........

          Blackshadow traveled along the path, growling. It wasn't fair! How could Beyrlstar listen to those.. those.. foxhearts! And Shadowfire! No surprise he betrayed them! Rustclan was becoming a rogue clan! There had to be something he could do...

          Blackshadow's head swung up as he heard a branch snap. Everything was still. It must have been a squirrel, Blackshadow thought. Then claws erupted out of the bush and a large gray tom landed on him, snarling. Blackshadow screeched in fear as he tried to claw his way up. Two other cats joined the others. Blackshadow struggled, until finally he just lay there panting, the gray tom still pinning him. "Pathetic!" the tom screeched. Another tom beside him, this one brown, nodded, a sneer upon his mouth. "Ya, Jay. If all these clan cats are this weak, we'll have no trouble killing the two she-cats." the brown tom cackled. Blackshadow's eyes opened, and he wearily spoke. "Two she-cats.... are they both gray, and have blue eyes?" Blackshadow asked. The toms narrowed their eyes, but their, companion, a she-cat, just rolled her eyes. "You can tell him, he'll be dead soon anyway," the she-cat murmured with disinterest, sharpening her claws on a rock. Blackshadow's eyes opened wide as he saw the claws reinforced with dog teeth. Bloodclan! he gasped, remembering tales of these ruthless cats from when he was a kit. The gray tom, Jay, finally spoke. "Yes, they're gray she-cats, named Willow and Water, but you already know that don't you? After all, you took them in," Jay sneered. Blackshadow's eyes glinted evilly. He just got an idea...

         Jay continued on. "Blood has requested the death of his, daughters, and that is what we will do!" Jay snarled, sinking his claws further into Blackshadow's pelt. The she-cat huffed. "Just kill him already! I'm getting tired of standing here!" she growled. Jay lifted his paw high and brought them down, claws unsheathed. "Wait!" Blackshadow screeched. Jay narrowed his eyes in suspicion, but brought his paw down. "You said you want to kill Willow and Water?" Blackshadow mewed, purposely refusing to use their clan names. They didn't deserve those names. They weren't clan-born, and they had to be removed from the clan. "Then I have a way you can do it," Blackshadow finished, his mew touched with a snarl, and his eyes glinting with fury. The Bloodclan cats looked surprised, but Jay let him up, and he began his idea.

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          Watersplash jogged excitedly toward the island, her pace matched by her sister and her best friend. She looked up to see the large stones, marking the path through the river to the island. Her fur prickling with excitement, she leaped from stone to stone, watching as the island came closer and closer. She finally landed on the ground and looked about. Her breath caught in her throat as she looked at all the cats gathered there. There's so many! Watersplash thought as she looked in awe. She heard an intake of breath from Willowwhisper beside her and Watersplash knew she was thinking the same thing Watersplash was. Snowfrost twitched her whiskers in amusement at the two sister's awe. "Come on, mouse brains! We're getting left behind!" Snowfrost purred, and led them to where Rustclan was seated. Fogmask came up beside Watersplash and flicked his ear in greeting. That's Snowclan over there," Fogmask said pointing at a group of lithe light-colored cats. "There's Duskclan," Fogmask said gesturing to another group, this one filled with broad- shouldered cats. "And there's," Watersplash detected a faint snarl in Fogmask's mew, "Shatteredclan," Fogmask said finally, pointing at a group of different cats, all worn and battle-scarred.

          At the mention of Shatteredclan, Watersplash tensed up, her fur bristling. Beside her, she heard a faint growl start in Willowwhisper's throat. Snowfrost broke the tension saying, "Lets go meet some other clan cats, and see what you think," Snowfrost said nervously. Watersplash and Willowwhisper nodded, and they followed Snowfrost and Fogmask to the other clan groups. After meeting and talking with cats from Snowclan and Duskclan, they started back to the Rustclan group, which was smaller now with all the cats mingling elsewhere, when three familiar Shatteredclan cats padded in front of them. "Well, well, well. Looks like Rustclan's taking in rogues now," Venomfang snarled. "Hehe, you could use that battle training after the way we whooped you furry hindquarters!" Stripepaw mewed. Watersplash unsheathed her claws and felt them sink into the soft ground. "Well if you want a fight now, you can have one!" Watersplash growled. Willowwhisper's pelt was fluffed out, and her claws were unsheathed as well. Fogmask stepped in front of the quarreling cats. "Alright, lets just calm-" he began, but Shadowclaws interrupted him. "Oh, isn't that sweet? That's just like Rustclan to try and intervene and keep the precious peace," Shadowclaws snarled. Now both Snowfrost and Fogmask were bristling as well. Fogmask opened his mouth as if to say something, but was saved by the leaders yowling from the large hill from where they addressed the clans. "Let the gathering begin!" Beyrlstar yowled.  Fogmask led the bristling she-cats back to the Rustclan side, muttering, "I don't know why those rogues haven't been banished from the clans yet!" He looked at Watersplash and spoke in mock surprise, "No offense!" he mewed. Watersplash rolled her eyes and brushed up against his fur, Willowwhisper and Snowfrost snickering behind them.

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