Chapter 9

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Clark's POV

Luthor is a monster. He shut off the Kryptonite but he gave me no indication of where Hailey was! I had to find her and fast. I know what Lex is up too. Those Bots will go off within a weeks time and destroy everything. I had to find Hailey. And figure out how to get past the Lex Bots around her. I have to make sure she's safe. When I finally regain my strength I fly around to see if she is trapped in any buildings. Finally I spot something out of the ordinary. A building...made out of lead. I can't see through it. I quickly dive down and land. Once I am on the ground I duck behind a tree. Yup this is it. Lex said his Bots were here. Sure enough about 10 Bots were standing by a door. I figure heat vision is the best way to stop these guys. I take a deep breath and Let the red hot lasers loose. I don't like using my heat vision because it hurts my head but I really didn't have a choice here. I mentally count how many i take down 1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10...11...12. 12 Bots surrounding hailey. After I do a quick scan to make sure nothing is waiting to suprise attack me from above or below I go ahead and speed towards Hailey. I kick the doors is and there she is. Huddled up in a coner with her head between her knees.

"Hailey." I say. Her head shoots up.

"Clark." She breathes.

"Don't worry I'm gonna get you out of here."  I say. I quickly snap the bars and create an opening big enough for her to step through. She climb out and embraces me.

"I can't believe it. Those glasses fooled me." She says. I smile and quickly I launch us into the sky. 

I decided that its best for Hailey that she stays at my place. It's much safer. We land and step through into my home. It's a small aparpmet mainly blue and beige but hey it's home. She sits on the couch and gathers herself. I make both of us a pot of tea. I pour her a cup and I sit on the couch next to her. 

"Well I really wish you didn't have to find out like that." I say. She nods.

"No it's fine...I'm glad I know." She says sipping her tea. 

"So be honest do you know what Lex is planning." She asks.

"Yes. I do. Those Bots of his will take over in a week's time. And I can't fight them due to the Kryptonite." I say.

She hangs her head. Then it pops back up again and her eyes are filled with mischeif. "Unless..." She starts.

"Unless?" I ask a tad bit nervous.

"Those Bots...when their chests are closed your not in danger right." She asks.

I nod. "So they must be made of lead." It clicks. I think I see where she is going with this. "I know how to sew. Give me your costume and I will figure out a way to lead line it so you can face the bots!" She says. Her voice filled with joy. I agree. "Wait...But how will we test to see if it works?" She asks. Without saying a word I get up and walk into my bedroom and reach into my dresser. I pull out a lead box. I told Lois that if Superman ever got out of control to open this box. It held kryptopnite. I walk back out.

"this is kryptonite. I told Lois if Superman ever went against humanity to use it. She hasnt had to yet. But maybe this can help us test the suit.." I say handing Hailey the box. She examines it. Her dainty hand reaches to open it but I stop her. "Woah uh... easy.  remeber if that stuff is used on me I'll well you know." I say. She laughs and pulls her hand away. I heave a sigh of relif. 

"Now take off your suit and get dressed I have some work to do." Hailey says placing her hands on her hips. I laugh and run into my bedroom. Using super speed I quickly get undressed and put on some jeans and a Harley Davidson shirt. I walk out and hand Hailey the suit. She smiles and begins to make phone calls for lead. I laugh. 

About two days later She had finished sewing the suit. I was nervous because if it didn't work she had kryptonite and I was vunerable.I knew she would do anything bad to me but that stuf hurts. everytime im near it it's like being jackhammed by a giant while your body is consumed with flames. I quickly change into the suit. It's a litter heavier than usual but I think that I can still fight on it. I slowly walk into my living room where Hailey has the box. 

"Are you ready?" She asks.

I nod. She takes a deep breath and opens the box I brace myself dor the impending pain. But I feel nothing. I open one eye. Then both. It worked. her idea worked. But Now I only have 3 days before those bots go after everything. There's no way I can round them all up. Not even with my super speed. Metropolis is huge. And I doubt Hailey writing an article will do anything. Some people don't get the newspaper so we wouldn't be able to warn them. I have to figure this out plan do something...or else...My city will be gone...Forever. And it would be my fault.

A/N Hello! How did you like this chapter? BTW I caved I started a Jack Frost fan fic. It's called Frosty heart. The first chapter is already up. please read it! It would mean alot to me :) and almost 600 reads! I love you guys! Like you have no idea how often I check wattpad and look for more reads and comments and votes! I love reading comments! So if yo have time leave me one :) And as usual vote it up and Happy Reading :)

~Echo S.      

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