Safe No Longer

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Wind whipped through Alex's uncovered hair as she tore down the road. The motorcycle roared, echoing down the streets. Behind her, Fàelán was tense, holding onto her as if she was going to crash. Her speed was necessary as dark clouds covered the morning sky.

Taking a sharp turn, she pulled into a bar and grill called Biker Johns. She had been going there for a while, it had the greatest french fries in the area. Pulling to a stop, she looked at the stout yet sprawling building.
She stepped off the motorcycle, removed the helmet and chuckled at Fàelán, who looked disheveled.

"You okay? You look a little worn out there."

"I'm fine, just waiting for my guts to catch up with me."

She laughed and joked that he was weak. He indignantly straightened.
After they stretched, they walked through the doors and were immediately met by classic rock music and the sounds of pool being played.

The air was heated and smelled like fries and cooking chicken. Many people sat at booths and tables, and the bar was full. After taking a spot at a nearby booth, they looked at the small menu.

"Why did you come here?" He asked. Alex never really considered why, but replied.

"Well, for one, my grandma was a biker chick, even at her age. This place reminds me of her. And two, the French fries are delicious."

She laughed, remembering her bad-ass grandmother. The conversation was ended as a waiter came up. He had sandy blonde hair and his nametag said Garett. He put down rolls of utensils and asked what they wanted to order. After a second of pondering, she went with their specialty fries again and Fàelán went with a salad. He took their orders and left.

The yellow light above made the room feel warm, and the loud music and voices was somewhat soothing. She felt like now was the time to tell him about the ghost and what she saw. It was far away from Lucifer, and loud enough that no one could hear if they were incognito.
She took a deep breath. She knew what she was, had guessed it for a while and looked up on it. She was The lead horseman of the apocalypse. What she saw in her vision was just that, the end of the world. And if Fàelán was war, than he needed to know about this. She never considered that this was coming, but in retrospect, she should've. Now she knew it was, and they had to stop it.

"Do you know what we are?"

Alex asked, looking at his honest face. He looked down, ashamed at what he was. Alex felt that too. He returned her stare.

"Yes, Alex. I know that we are the horseman of the apocalypse. I've known almost from the beginning. Azazel is smart, but he isn't very good at hiding things."

She considered this.

"Last night, I met a ghost. He told me strange stories, and he could touch me, too. He showed me things, horrible things, he.."

Garett reappeared with their drinks and she sat quietly. As soon as he left, she resumed what she was saying.

"He showed me what we would do if we listen to Lucifer. And he is Lucifer, you're not stupid, I know you know. The things I saw, how twisted we were. It was horrible. All I know is, we can't let that happen. We've got to get out of here and make sure he can't find us."

Fàelán looked shocked, and he settled down into his seat. He was silent for a while. The time seemed to pass in slow motion until he replied.

"I know what you saw. I woke up when you came back. I sensed the turmoil and warring in your mind, so I checked on it. I didn't know how, but you had dreamt of those, and I knew they were prophetic." Alex felt uncomfortable.

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