Chapter Eight: The War Between Angels and Demons

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Sam's POV***

I wake up with a strong arm wrapped around my waist, flash packs of last night fill my head an I smile.

I slowly and carefully take Derek's arm off me and crawl out of the bed. I grab Derek's t-shirt slipping that on as well and my underwear.

After I'm done I walk to the kitchen and decide to make breakfast. I put the toast in the toaster and grab some eggs to make two omelettes. I'm just finishing up the first omelette when I feel arms snake around my waist.

"Morning angel." Derek whispers kissing my cheek.

"Morning Woolfie." I giggle as his hands slightly tickle my sides, I feel Derek's smile on my neck. "I made you an omelette and toast!"

"Thanks." He grabs his plate after I put the omelette on his plate.

I grab my plate after quickly making my omelette and sit down beside Derek at the table. We sit there in a comfortable silence until we finish.

"I'll do the dishes, you go have a shower and get changed we have a pack meeting soon." Derek says grabbing my plate and giving me a kiss on the lips.

I walk to his bathroom, but not before I grab my overnight back with my extra clothes. When I get into the bathroom I grab two spare towels. I start the shower and get out to get undressed while waiting for the water to heat up. I glance I the mirror and I find not one, not two, not even three but 5 hickies on my neck and around my shoulder.

"DEREK I HAVE SO MANY HICKIES!" I shout and I don't get a reply but I know he heard.

I step into the shower and sigh peacefully letting the hot water run over my body.

"The hickies are there to show people you are mine." I hear Derek growl as he gets into the shower with me.

I turn around so I'm facing him and I lean into his chest. I hear Derek get a bottle of the shelve and squeeze into his hand. He then starts to massage it into my scalp. I sigh again. After we wash it out he them replaces the shampoo with conditioner and repeats the process. I do the same to Derek and he leans into my touch.

"Do you want me to wash your body?" Derek asks nervously and I nod a yes.

After we are finished and fully relaxed we both get out of the shower and dry ourselves off. I get into my clothes and Derek gets into his.

When we are done we hear a knock at the door.

"Race you down." I smirk and we set off.

I win obviously!

I open the door and see the pack there staring at me.

"What?" I ask curiously.

"Do you have a boyfriend that we don't know about?" Isaac says being completely oblivious that it's kind of obvious that I stayed here cause my hair is still slightly damp from the shower.

"Uh I was actually here all night." I say without thinking.


"Uh-" I stutter and look at the packs faces that are wide with shock.

"Well of course we did she's my mate." Derek pops up beside me wrapping his arm around my waist.

"Well I saw that coming." Jackson says walking in and sitting in the couch.

"I didn't." Liam defends.

"Well you're just oblivious." Jackson retaliates.

Third Person POV***

"The demon problem has been getting worse and worse." Derek says to the pack.

"Well what can we do about it? And who's controlling them?" Scott asks and Derek shakes his head showing that he doesn't know the answer either.

"It's the King of hell Grey." A deep raspy voice says behind the pack making everyone jump and get into fighting positions.

The man on the left he has jet black hair and bright green eyes, the man on the right has long light brown hair with hazel eyes and the man in the middle has a strange resemblance to Sam, the blue eyes and the blonde hair the exact same.

"Who are you?" Sam asks standing in front of her new pack. The man in the middle eyes soften.

"I am Af and the man with the long hair is Cassiel." Af says in a deep smooth voice, pointing the other man who nods.

"And I am Michael the Archangel. These are my other brothers who are angels as well." Michael stands tall.

"But why are you here?" Elena asks curiously.

"There is a war against Angels and Demons. The Angels are losing but it's your destiny to kill the King of Hell and his army." Michael speaks loudly.

"Why us?" Scott asks narrowing his eyes on the Angels.

"Because it is a prophecy and you Sam were created just for this." Michael points at Sam.

"What?" Sam takes a step forward but Derek decides to take her hand going with her.

"Yeah what do you mean Sam was created for this?" Luna asks confused.

"Sam I am your father." Michael confesses.

I hope you enjoy!!!!!!!!!
Love you,

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