9 3/4

63 3 0

As we walked down the train station, I was feeling nervous. I haven't made any friends. I mean sure I can ride with the Wesley's, but what about classes?

"Ok kids. It's time." Says dad. "James you first. The Albus. Then me. And then Lily and Ginny." I look over and see the girl again. She comes my way and it looks like she has a white cat. "Hi. I'm Cress." Cress holds out her hand. "I'm Lily." I say, a little less confident. I shake her hand. "Lils are coming" says dad. "Sorry. Coming." I say to dad. The I turn to Cress. "See you on the train."  She says. I nod.

Then I run.

The next thing I know I'm on platform 9 3/4.

James and Albus are already on the train. "Now Lily. Don't be scared. And if you need anything, go to Luna. You here me. She will help you with anything you need." Mum said.

Luna was one of mums good friends. I was named after her. She teaches herbology.

I give mum one last hug. Then went and gave dad a hug. He gave me a sac of galleons. Then gave me Galleon. She meowed and then fell asleep. I walked on the train and took one look back at mum and dad.

This is real

I'm on my way to Hogwarts.

Lily's first year at HogwartsWhere stories live. Discover now