The Letter

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"Lily calm down. It should be here any minute now!" Said my mum as I couldn't stop jumping up and down in my seat. "I can't I've waited for this day my whole life!"

At this point I was waiting by the door.

"LILY! WHAT DID YOU DO WITH MY WAND?!" Yelled Albus. This will be Albus' third year. This is going to be my first year. "SHOULD BE IN MY ROOM!" I yelled back. "WELL COME GET IT!" He was at the top of the stairs but still yelling "Albus! Not now!" He rolled his eyes. "Go get it. Now."

"Fine." I ran up the stairs, into my room and opened my dresser drawer. After digging a bit my hand felt a stick type thing. I grabbed his wand. "Soon I'm going have my own wand. " I whisper as I toss the wand to Albus. "And that time will be soon. By the way I think the post came." I was already halfway down the steps when I saw the post.

"It's here! It's here!" I grabbed the post and saw the letter.

"Mum! Dad! My acceptance letter is here!"

I ripped it open and sat down. Tomorrow. I will get everything tomorrow. My wand, my robes, and all my books. A PET! I finally get a pet.

That night I put my letter on my nightstand. I carefully run my fingers across it and hop into bed.

Tomorrow. It all starts tomorrow.

Lily's first year at HogwartsWhere stories live. Discover now